Books, Quotes

10 Favorite Quotes From Wonderful Books

This week’s topic for Top Ten Tuesday over at ThatArtsyReaderGirl is TTT Rewind, which means we pick and choose from any one of the 641(yes!) past topics that have been done already! And my topic (after a circuitous route) is favorite quotes from wonderful books!

I thought that I had made a list of those topics I missed and really wanted to do, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere… I initially started with a list of books with one-word titles, but…. Anyways, using a random number generator was my next bright idea. The first number – 114 – which weirdly happened to be a TTT Rewind topic… foiled .. And then came 540 – books I would throw in the ocean and I was not sure if I could think of ten (maybe I could have twisted the topic a bit).. And then finally was #14, Favorite Book Quotes. So today, I decided to pick quotes from 10 recent and current reads I loved/am loving.

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Favorite Quotes From Wonderful Books: Recently Read

Note: Reviews for all these books coming soon on my blog….


Thirst by Varsha Bajaj | Children’s Realistic Fiction (10 – 12 years, and up) | Nancy Paulsen Books (July 19, 2022)

Shanti tells me water has many names
in many languages..
water, paani, eau.
H20, rain, jal,
maa, agua, nero,
neer, vatten, voda,
and others that I don’t know.
But I do know water is life.
It flows, falls, rolls, collects, storms, and drips.
Like life, it is always changing.
But at this moment it feels like my glass is full
and I am thankful.

Strong as Fire, Fierce as Flame

Strong as Fire, Fierce as Flame  by Supriya Kelkar (a middle-grade novel)

She was someone I knew, someone I looked up to, proving just how strong women could be. I couldn’t see her losing hope, like the embers inside her were being stomped out.

Bonus quote: …Sometimes when life is really tough, all you can do is look forward.”

Musical Tables

Musical Tables: Poems by Billy Collins | Random House (November 15, 2022)


I’ve grown old – /now my own name /rings a bell.

Letters to a Writer of Color

Letters to a Writer of Color edited by by Deepa Anappara and Taymour Soomro | Fictional Writing Reference | Random House (March 7, 2023)

As a writer of color, the compulsion to write something that matters, in a world that tells you your story doesn’t matter, is always going to be your North Star. These moral urges are impossible to ignore- and they exist for a reason. But I’m here to tell you to take up more space and to write what you want. Don’t settle for the same tropes if they don’t appeal to you.


Honor by Thrity Umrigar | Women’s Fiction | Algonquin Books (January 4, 2022)

“Look, I know it’s a risk. But at some point, you have to jump. I’ll either land on my feet or I’ll land on my face. But either way, I’ll own the fall.”

Favorite Quotes From Wonderful Books: Current Reads

The Woman in the Moon

The Woman in the Moon: How Margaret Hamilton Helped Fly the First Astronauts to the Moon by Richard Maurer | Children’s Women Biographies; 10 – 14 years, and up | Roaring Brook Press (March 14, 2023)

Is this for certain the way things go?
What comes after the rain and the snow?
Are you and I the travelers tonight
Riding this train and talking so bright?
Or is it a dream? What would you say?
Do you think it might be a story too good to stay?

A Bit of Earth

A Bit of Earth by Karuna Riazi | HarperCollins Children’s Books (14 Mar 2023) | Children’s Fiction/Middle Grade

As if it is easy to Think Hard on things
that already don’t let you forget about them
when you so
want to.

One more:

Something waited here for Maria.
Beneath the dull and dusty
the withered and shrunken
there was life.
She just had to
find it.

The Power of Language

The Power of Language: How the Codes We Use to Think, Speak, and Live Transform Our Minds by Viorica Marian | Linguistics | Dutton (April 4, 2023)

If you have ever played Boggle, then there is a good chance you have been irritated at another player for turning the grid around while you were writing down words. You may have even been that person yourself, getting yelled at by the other players, all because at some point your brain made a discovery: that turning the grid changed your perspective and made you see the same letters in a different way, extract more words, and raise your score. Like a turn of the Boggle board, every new language that we know makes us extract and interpret information differently, altering how we think and feel, what we perceive and remember, the decisions we make, the ideas and insights we have, and the actions we take.


Beowulf : A New Verse Translation by Seamus Heaney

“Anyone with gumption and a sharp mind will take the measure of two things: what’s said and what’s done.”

Little Thieves

Little Thieves by Margaret Owen (YA)

There’s a saying in the Blessed Empire: Little thieves steal gold, and great ones steal Kingdoms, but only one goes to the gallows. I’m not sure I agree. I’ve little interest in kingdoms, but even less in dancing with the hangman. And I’ve gotten very good – great, you might even say – at stealing gold.

And one more: Nothing stolen is ever mine. But there’s another truth on the other side of that coin: What’s mine can always be stolen.

And Now, the End of This Post

What is your favorite quote from a book? And which one appeals to you among the ones here on my list? Which book did you pick recently because of a quote from it?

7 thoughts on “10 Favorite Quotes From Wonderful Books

  1. I really like your review of letters to a writer of color. It was really great for you to feature this in your post because often many writers of color are often overlooked

  2. my favorite of all you posted is from Honor. about taking risks. It reflects on my current situation a lot and I absolutely loved reading it, it helped me to go on and press on

  3. I enjoyed all these quotes, but especially “She was someone I knew, someone I looked up to, proving just how strong women could be. I couldn’t see her losing hope, like the embers inside her were being stomped out.”

  4. I really love the fact that you love reading and sharing your learnings! Thank you for putting together the pearls of learnings via quotes. I loved the quote ‘Sometimes when life is really tough, all you can do is look forward.’

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