
2016 Word – Thy Name is Consistency!

A 6WS: 2016 Word – Thy Name is Consistency!
Making resolutions seems to be something I have gotten good at (the list of resolutions I have made in the past look so wonderful and doable – you can see them here, here, and here  as well as here for a few of them) but keeping them is where I fail – drastically! This time around, my plan is to try to make resolutions I can keep and keep the resolutions I make – the key is consistency. So this is my word for the year – CONSISTENCY. Consistency in not just resolution-keeping but in everyday habits.

The wish I had for my friends for the new year was the one below:

‘Each New Year’s Day is like starting a treasure hunt again from scratch, with a slightly altered map.’ ~Terri Guillemets

So, here is a treasure map for myself – one full of resolutions, slightly altered from the ones I made before and hope to discover treasures each day – the ones that make you smile, that show you life is wonderful – and to surprise myself with having found the treasure chest of kept resolutions at the end!

To start this off, the reading challenges I am joining this year are the ones below:
1. What’s in a Name hosted by The Worm Hole 

2. NetGalley and Edelweiss hosted by Falling for YA  Level – Silver – 25 Books

3. Read Harder hosted by The Book Riot
4. Monthly Keyword hosted by My Soul Called Life

My Soul Called life 

5. Women’s Fiction hosted by Book Date – Level – Classy – 11 – 20

And for the Friday Photo Journal at Serendipity is Sweet, here are a couple of photos – my One-a-day!

11 thoughts on “2016 Word – Thy Name is Consistency!

    1. thank you Laurel and I know I need a lot of it too.. thanks for your wishes and your comments about the map..it was fun creating it, and while i was doing it, my DD (all of 9 years) wanted to make one too – and I said that she could, as long as one of the resolutions was to write in her journal regularly – she is yet to work on the map now:)

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