Everything Else, Learning

3 Lessons Learned from 31 Days of Blogging

Today is the last day of the UltimateBloggingChallenge – October and Write31Days… I made it to the end (I think I missed a couple of days, which means I need to get scheduling posts as a habit next!!). But Yayyy, here we are, all of us who promised to write 31 days and it is great to reach the end of this 31 days which just proves we can do it..

What did I learn

– That it Was Not Scary At All – Spooktober not withstanding, blogging everyday for 31 days might seem daunting, but it is not.. The fact that there are others who are part of the challenge is a big boost to our confidence.

– It is Doable – Commitment to the challenge here showed me that it is doable, so it just means I need to commit to myself now outside the challenge 🙂

– You make great friends and discover you are part of a wonderful virtual community.. so Thank You to all who helped make these 31 days seem a breeze!

So a Big Hurrah to all and looking forward to keep seeing each other even post challenges..

As for me, here are my tentative plans for the next few weeks:

– Work on my blogs – current and new blog and set things up for both by mid November

– Work to have additional posts scheduled as the holiday season gets underway

For Ruby Tuesday: Found – a leaf that made its own way as it glided down the tree away from the heap nearby!

last leaf

For First Chapter, First Paragraph at BibliophileByTheSea


There was trouble afoot in Sleepy Hollow. Harry could feel it, although he couldn’t quite put his finger on what was causing his uneasiness. 

For Teaser Tuesday over at The Purple Booker:

It was not the mayor and the band of grave robbers who stepped out of the car. 

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