Blogging, Books, Life, Lists, Productivity, Self Help

30 Productive Things to Do in Five Minutes and Make Life Better

Five minutes does not seem like a lot but when you attempt squats or the plank for that period of time, then you realize how long it truly is!! Here is a list of 30 productive things to do in five minutes or less that will definitely help make our lives better, degree by degree.

Plus, as always, a few books to help you on the way to higher productivity (and I read/will be reading them too as I need them). You will find this list in my bookish five section below.

This post contains Amazon and other affiliate links, that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. For Amazon links, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support. Please see the full disclosure for more information. That said, please note that I will only recommend products I definitely would (or have already) use myself.

30 Productive Things to Do in Five Minutes

  1. Clean your inbox
  2. Stretch your muscles
  3. Make your bed
  4. Wipe a countertop/table/other similar space
  5. Delete old texts and voice mails
  6. Read a page or two of the book you have been meaning to read
  7. Write down your grocery shopping list
  8. Make a snack
  9. Do a DIY project /craft .. there are many fun ones you can find on youtube
  10. Doodle/sketch for five minutes
  11. Write down three things you are grateful for/made (or make) you happy
  12. Throw away expired items from your pantry/fridge
  13. Take a power nap!
  14. Make a list of gift ideas for upcoming events for friends/family
  15. Organize your photos (digital or otherwise).
  16. Declutter one shelf/drawer
  17. Call someone you haven’t for a while to say hello
  18. Clean the bathroom mirrors
  19. Back up your data (photos/other data)
  20. Upgrade the software systems on your devices. This will also mean you will stay away from that device for a bit, so you can…
  21. Take a short walk outdoors and get a breath of fresh air
  22. Empty the dishwasher (it only takes 5 minutes or less but seems longer)
  23. Read an article
  24. Listen to a podcast/talk – there are many short ones
  25. Put on your favorite song and dance to it.
  26. Come up with a few blog post ideas
  27. Learn something new – a new word in your language or another
  28. Read cool facts/trivia and/or a joke or two to share at the next get together with friends and family
  29. Make a short video or take some photos (maybe on that nature walk)
  30. Write down a list of things you can do in 5 minutes or so! And then do one of them for the next 5 minute break…:)

While some of these tasks might take longer if you get down to them, spending 5 minutes on them will help you get a head start and reduce the feeling of overwhelm.

The Bookish Memes Five…

For #s 1, 2, and 3…

When the Skies Rained Freedom by Annette Oppenlander (Historical fiction)

(Look out for a giveaway for this book soon on my blog!)

(1 & 2) Book Beginnings and First Line Friday

BOOK BEGINNINGS ON FRIDAY is hosted by Rose City Reader. What book are you happy about reading this week? Please share the opening sentence (or so) on BOOK BEGINNINGS ON FRIDAY! Add the link to your blog or social media post and visit other blogs to see what others are reading.

Happy Friday and welcome to the FIRST LINE FRIDAY, hosted by Reading is My Superpower! It’s time to grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first line.

From the Introduction

From the first chapter:

3 Friday 56

THE FRIDAY 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice (currently by Anne at HeadFullofBooks) To play, open a book and turn to page 56 (or 56% on your e-reader). Find a sentence or two and post them, along with the book title and author. Then link up on Freda’s Voice and visit others in the linky. 

4 Book Blogger Hop

The purpose of THE BOOK BLOGGER HOP is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, and befriend other bloggers. THE BOOK BLOGGER HOP is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer.    

How many books are on your “to-be-read” list?

Do I need to answer this one? TBH, I have no idea as I have way too many TBRs including:

  • Goodreads and similar
  • Pinterest boards
  • Bookmarked pages with lists of books I want to read
  • Spreadsheets (Google sheets and others)
  • Notes on my phone
  • Lists in an actual notebook (or two)
  • etc

5. Other Bookish Things and Lists

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, have you read the featured book? Or any of the books in the Cybils finalist list for nonfiction books for this past year? Or the productivity bookish list? Which of these 30 things were you tempted to get started on when you read the list? What would you add to this list?

16 thoughts on “30 Productive Things to Do in Five Minutes and Make Life Better

  1. Thank you for these quick tips! They’re simple yet impactful. Love the variety – there’s something for everyone. Easy to incorporate into a busy schedule. Keep sharing these bite-sized gems! 🌟

  2. Five minutes maybe a short time to spend but when you enjoy and devote that time to what you like and interests you, its a long five minutes.

  3. I too need to kick start a few of these tasks now, especially cleaning my phone and email of old text and messages. I’m going to start back stretching my muscles also, I’m thinking about buying some new equipment.

  4. I absolutely love the concept of making every five minutes count for productivity! The suggestions are not only practical but also varied, catering to different aspects of life. Cleaning a countertop, reading a page of a book, or even taking a short walk – these are simple yet effective ways to enhance daily life!

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