So I tried to get started on hosting and working on the Continental Reading Challenge last year but failed. I am trying again this year and I hope you join me as I traverse across the continents. And I plan to host just this one challenge though I have a few I am trying once again to work on by joining this year.

So here it is – the Continental Reading Challenge 2019 where you read at least one book for each of the seven continents. And here are the rules:
- The book can satisfy the condition for the continent if a) the author belongs to that continent; b) the book is set in that continent or c) you could also pick a book that is either set there for at least a major part of the book or has something that is unique to that continent- eg: penguins for Antarctica (Mr.Popper’s Penguins is one such example)…
- There is no start and/or end date for when to join the challenge (latest date to enter a link is Dec 31th, 2019)
- A book counts if you’ve read it in 2019, no matter when you join the challenge
- If there are multiple settings in the book across continents, pick one continent to check off – ie a book counts for only one place
- You can mark off on a map to make it more interesting as you travel across the world through your books
- You can pick fiction or non-fiction. Books can be for kids, or for adults (so kids books, middle-grade, YA, and more).
- Use a google map to pin the locations based on the books read – create your own book map. Mine was started a couple of years ago but sorely needs updates – link for my book map is here
- And a bonus for reading one more book out of this world – maybe set in outer space or a fantasy land!!
- Some books to help you out: Coming tomorrow on my blog..
Enter by signing up in below linky. For this challenge, I plan to put up a linky for completion at the end of every two months. Subscribe to receive updates on the challenge. Use #ContinentalRead hashtag.
Towards day three of my UBC..
You can click on the links below to check out my previous posts for this month’s UBC. While I have no specific theme going on unlike previous UBCs, it will definitely give you more fun stuff to read 🙂
What an awesome idea! It’s like going traveling without leaving your comfy chair. I’m looking forward to your recommendations. 🙂
Lori, looking forward to you joining in the fun; I will post my recommendations tomorrow along with the other challenges I sign up for
This sounds like a fun challenge. I might just give it’s go
Janet, yay, go for it – be the first one to sign up (of course, I am in this already!)
What a fun reading challenge! I think I’ll try to give it a shot, as well!
Theresa, welcome and sign up 🙂 I will post my recommendations across the world tomorrow
I love it!! Around the globe in books! I have a challenge too, and some of my prompts could be done for both.
cool, will check out your challenge and would love for you to sign up here 🙂
This sounds so exciting but you know me with reading. I just may have to give this a try!
Yes, Martha, and it is just 7 books for the year (and the books can be even picture books you read to Lia!)
This looks like fun!
Join in the fun!! The more the merrier, always, and when it is books, of course!
I travel to the Britsh Isles all the time with what I read. I have also traveled to Europe ( in the early 1900s though).
I do tend to travel around the world through books often, now it is just going to be more consciously!
An interesting sounding challenge. Definitely one to encourage you to read more diversely.
Gemma @
What a great idea to host a challenge like this! We’re doing an AtoZ one and we’re joining up with Gayathri @ Elgee Writes for the Comment 4 Comment challenge 🙂 Good luck!
Great idea, hope you have fun completing it.
Thank you Stacey..
Good luck
thank you DJ
Wow this sounds so interesting. I will be following you to check on your update. I WANT to see your book map
thank you Gayathri:) I will get started on my book map soon (hopefully sooner than later) and update here
What a great challenge!! I wish I could dedicate more time to reading, with 3 young kids it’s almost impossible 🤷🏻♀️
Oh I understand.. reading to them at this stage is how any reading gets done 🙂