
Getting Back on the Bandwagon — How To…

It is almost the end of the first day of October, the day I was to kick off the UBC challenge early on! So here it is, the first post for the October Ultimate Blogging Challenge where I try to work on getting back on the blogging bandwagon. I also plan to join in on Blogtober
I tried to recall what worked for me to get me blogging regularly earlier and what kept me going. So here are a few tips that have worked for me in the past for both getting back to blogging after a loooooong break and for keeping the habit:

  • Make It Fun!! – Write about what you really enjoy so you can get into the habit – even if is a poem, a funny-thing-that-happened-today, a Wow moment, a photograph you took – whatever it may be, if it gets your writing juices flowing, that is all that is needed. 
  • Inspire Yourself – What is your motivator? Is it a walk outside, time with family, dancing, reading other wonderful blogs? Find it and indulge in it (as long as it is not that yummy gooey chocolate brownie!) – draw inspiration from what you love.
  • Write About What Your Readers Want/Love while Making It Fun(#1 on the list) – In my case, I do not have a niche blog (and not sure if I will move to one anytime soon), but I have noticed that some of my posts do tend to have a higher number of views (and more importantly comments) than others. I will keep that in mind as I write going forward and work on more posts like that. More posts like that —> More views and comments —> More motivation to write –> More success and happiness –> More posts like that –> And so on…
  • Take It Easy But Not Too Much – Write something everyday (the littlest post is fine too) but write something everyday….
  • Join a Community – Like the UBC! The blogging community is wonderful, supportive, and totally motivating. Being a part of a community of bloggers has definitely been my biggest motivator to keep going in the past, and here is to the same again!
  • And last but not the least, have a schedule (I need to get back on a regular writing schedule!)

2 thoughts on “Getting Back on the Bandwagon — How To…

  1. Excellent tips. I'd add that not all posts need to have words. It can simply be a photo post or a video post.
    As far as habit, I participate in #FiveMinuteFriday. It's a no stress way I've found to just write for 5 minutes without having to hit publish.

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