
H is for Housie

For the letter H, I bring you Housie: ‘Mr. & Mrs….55’, ‘Murgi chor, number four’, ‘All the threes, 33’ and so many more phrases come to mind when I think of the countless rounds of Housie (or Tambola and very similar or almost the same as Bingo here in the US) played in the club in our colony as a child. There were a few rare instances when I did win – and on those occasions, it never rained, it poured and I usually ended up winning row after row, or four corners or more followed by the full house! Well, those instances can be counted on the fingers of a hand easily but they were (and are) memorable indeed.

Waiting for the aunty who invariably read out the numbers each time while she pondered over the phrase to use (she usually used the standard phrases for calling out Housie numbers but I think sometimes invented new ones relevant to what was happening in our sleepy little town too:)) made each moment as long as an eon – will the next number be my lucky one? or not? Cheers and oh-ohs!! filled the air with every number read but always always fun…
You can find some Housie number calls here

Q to the reader:  .Have you played games of chance like Housie/Tambola/Bingo? What is your favorite memory of the same – a near loss or a great win??

Signing off on the letter H (a little later than planned!) as I continue on the #AtoZChallenge and #UltimateBloggingChallenge 

1 thought on “H is for Housie

  1. Wow, I haven't heard of this game but I love bingo! I remember when I was growing up (way before computers) every Sunday our family would set around the dining room table and play board games. The kids of today don't know what they are missing!

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