Memes, Writing

L, M, N, O, P, Q – An Alphabet Sestet For You

Poetry is fun and one of my favorite places on the web to explore poetry is the pub over at dVerse Poets Pub –  a virtual pub thankfully, for I am a teetotaler! It has been a while since I joined them to write some poetry (while I have been reading every so often). This Thursday’s prompt is from Lillian – a totally fun one – to write an alphabetical sestet.  And what is it, you ask? A sestet is a poem of six lines; and it becomes an alphabet sestet when the first word in each line starts with consecutive letters of the alphabet (any 6-letter sequence will do). This is definitely simpler to work with – just 6 lines. I did attempt an abcderian poem – one that traverses the whole alphabet – before on my blog here (read it at your own peril!) and then head on over to dVerse to check out all the others

So here is my attempt at this. Free verse and no other rules for this makes it definitely easier (or does it?).

alphabet sestet

Oh! The Places You’ll Go, My Dears!

love those adventures you have,
my little ones 
never stop believing you can, step
out into the world with
purpose, with pride; un-
-questioningly, with me by your side.

-Vidya (LadyInRead)

(note: my littles, not so little anymore! and it is them pictured in the picture taken over 5 years ago. i am thankful for where we are and for the beautiful beaches just a short drive away.  hoping to head over to the beaches soon before summer’s last hurrah for this year)

26 thoughts on “L, M, N, O, P, Q – An Alphabet Sestet For You

  1. I used to love poetry when I was younger. I’m going to check out the site you mentioned above, I bet it’d be a little therapeutic to try my hand at writing poems again.

  2. Oh, what a beautiful photograph, and I love the tender places of the heart we go to in this sestet. The hope of loving parents and grandparents everywhere, exploring the world with a safe loving guide. Love is everything.

  3. I’ll have to check out the website! I teach 8th grade English and poetry is our first unit! I like pulling in new poems! I think this will be great!

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