
Magic Monday – Bear Country Takes Over

We love the Berenstain Bears – they help us anchor ourselves to reality, to what is good and correct, to what is life – all the way from Bear Country. The kids love that there is a parallel universe out there in Bear Country where there is a replica of our family – the Bear Family with mama, papa, brother and sister just like the four of us! (until a new baby joined the family – and well, I point to their baby cousins when they point that bear family member to me!!)
These four books have found their way into our library from Scholastic book fairs and birthday party goody bags! And now are here to stay to be read and re-read…Mama Me loves to be Mama Bear for the few minutes that I read the book and admire her ways with her family hoping all the while to repeat Mama Bear’s magic with my family..:)

Forget Their Manners

In ‘Forget their manners’, the bear family (excluding mama bear) seems to have, as the title says, forgotten their manners. Mama decides the best way to break bad habits is to create good ones(with a little bit of push by equating bad habits to disliked chores)!! (of course! I need to use this also instead of using up my vocal
chords..). As the kids turn saccharine sweet to avoid the chores, they and Papa Bear too (a little late,in his case) realize it is nice being nice after all.

The Homework Hassle

In ‘The Homework Hassle’, the boys in the family seem to have issues with completing their work on time – Brother Bear with homework and cleaning up his bag(eww! Smelt like garbage) and Papa Bear with paperwork for taxes. They realize that getting things done on time is the best way to go (else catching up can take forever and ever!!)

Go Out To Eat

In ‘Go Out To Eat’, the story starts off well with the bear family wanting to do something good for mama who works too hard and needs some pampering. This book was not quite up to the standard of the other books in the series. The good – they want to pamper mom for she works the hardest and needs a well-deserved break, a nice narration of a typical evening eating out for any family with kids. The bad – The rest of the bear family also wants to go out to eat to avoid their own chores of washing up later, no real morals in this
story unlike others.

The Green Eyed Monster

In ‘The Green Eyed Monster’, the Bear Family deals with Envy. As Brother Bear celebrates his birthday and receives gifts from family and friends, the green-eyed-monster takes over Sister Bear. She hates the wonderful gifts and attention Brother is getting (and Papa too is bitten by the envy-bug here). As the story progresses, Papa and Sister realize what envy/jealousy can turn them into – monsters…and of course, they don’t like that.




All four go towards the Picture Book Challenge:

The Berenstain Bears:
  • Forget Their Manners
  • And The Homework Hassle
  •  Go Out to Eat
  • And the Green Eyed Monster

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