Challenges and Memes

Update March 25, 2018

Challenges I am hosting:  – I have not had signups for both my challenges and while I did read books for my challenges, I realized I have not updated it.. I will keep these links posted for a little while longer on my blog as these are year long challenges anyway! And hope to update them with my books read for the same in the next week or so.

Continental Reading Challenge  

Reading by the Month Reading Challenge

Reading Challenges
Here is my complete list of 2018 Reading Challenges I plan to join. I will keep a track of my progress here.
The Wonderful World of Memes..
Here it is, in table form, my wonderful world of memes.. these are the ones I participate in (or plan to start joining in) for now.. since many of them are weekly, I might participate in them on the day mentioned in the table or not..
There are lots of wonderful memes out there.. Some of the sites that list out the memes and other blogger events (like challenges) are and
I will add to this list as I participate in more memes
One of my favorite places to visit online for inspiration is dVerse Poets Pub. 
Thursday Thirteen
Orange you Glad it’s Friday
A list of
websites where you can read can be found here.
Rating System
A – Loved it –
is a WOW
B – Liked it a
lot – is Great
C – Was OK
D – Read it to
the end but not good
E – Could not
finish it – bad
Reading Level
Will specify
the age group(s) for the book reviewed

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