Blogging, Books, Current Events, Writing

Sunday Scribblings #48: Is New Normal a Compound Word?

So turns out the phrase ‘new normal’ is not new after all! Who knew? While I recall feeling this phrase was familiar, I did not realize how ‘not new’ it was until I did a random search with the title of this blog post! So is new normal a compound word? No (or not yet); it is a phrase!

But I actually already knew that part (about the phrase); so the title is because of what follows next in my Scribblings in addition to the discovery that this phrase is – not to repeat myself – pretty old actually. Check out ‘Origin of ‘the new normal’ as a freestanding phrase’ to find out more.

A few other fun reads if you want to

Sunday Scribblings

Poetic Sundays

The Compound Word Verse

This week I continue exploring the invented poetry form, and return to Shadow Poetry for inspiration. I decided on the compound word verse today (now an aha moment for you as you check the title of my post again!)

h/t: Shadow Poetry

What is the Compound Word Verse?

As the name indicates, it plays upon compound words. Margaret R. Smith invented this fun form of five stanzas, each ending in a compound word. Each compound word uses a stem word taken from the poem’s title.

The Compound Word Verse’s Characteristics

So here are this form’s key elements:

  • is stanzaic; has 5 tercets (or 3-line stanzas)
  • has a rhyme scheme of aax bbx ccx ddx eex (or a combination thereof, where x can be/is generally unrhymed)
  • is syllabic; 8, 8, 3 syllables in each tercet
  • and last but not the least – the compound word! Each tercet ends with a compound of the same stem word taken from the title

My Example Compound Word Verse

My first attempt … needs lots of rework(d)ing; or tbh, a whole new attempt.. but this is simply to show you what the compound word verse is.

Lost and Found … in a Book
Once upon a hide and seek game
All were found ‘cept one whose nickname
was – bookworm.
They launched a massive search for her
Until to someone did occur
“The bookshelves!”
There they did find her lost within
All those wondrous worlds contained in
Hide and seek was now forgotten
Each lost and found themselves – hidden
‘Tween bookends.
Adventures, how-tos, facts, and more
Tales of today, and tales of yore –
They are (h)booked!

Vidya Tiru @

And attempting this poem reminded me of one of my favorite poems about books (maybe my inspiration for this too!) – I Opened a Book by Julia Donaldson

My Most Recent Posts

From my last Sunday Scribblings (well, there is one more week of October so hope I get in one post a day there!)

Other Updates

Cybils reading continues; and in addition to the digital copies I have been reading, I got my first set of physical books from our local library. Only pickups – from an express pickup desk setup outside allowed at this time at all our libraries.


My bookstagram attempts
View this post on Instagram

Myrtle Hardcastle Scavenger Hunt: Can you find Peony the cat? Let me know in the comments if you do.. .. also tag @algonquinyr and share on your story for a chance to win great prizes. Check out my previous IG posts and for more info and the review. Thanks to @algonquinyr once again for giving me this opportunity to be a part of the book tour and for the delightful ARCs of the Myrtle series by @elizabethcbunce. #ru_books_20 #Rebels_united #rebel_pops #current_challenge #current_challenges #doublemyrtle #howtogetawaywithmyrtle #premeditatedmyrtle #myrtlehardcastle #ladyinreadwrites #algonquinyr #MHDS #elizabethcbunce #instagramscavengerhunt #peonythecat #booktour #coverlove #bookworm #middlegradefiction #middlegradeseries #middlegrademystery #bookstagram #fallreads #readingisfun

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And The Others


On My Blog and Home-front

For the blog, not much new…

  • more Cybils reading
  • hopefully more reviews and other posts this week

As far as the home-front, college apps stuff continues along with everything else normal…

This Week’s Celebrations

Here are a couple I know I will try to celebrate in one way or ther other.

  • Need a reason to celebrate Chocolate? I don’t but if you do, then we have National Chocolate Day on the 28th of October.
  • And let us celebrate the internet. Without it, we would have been even more isolated in this new normal! It is International Internet Day on the 29th of October. It was on this date in 1969 that the first remote connection (or the internet) was first achieved between two computers!

Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings. I would love to hear your comments on my post(s), poetic Sunday section, and anything else. And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)? 

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon

9 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #48: Is New Normal a Compound Word?

  1. I need to try some of these poetic forms you have shared. I’m taking a poetry writing class right now, and it would be a good time to try something and submit it for workshopping.

    That rose and that bird are great reminders to us to press on.

    I’m glad you were able to get books from your library for the Cybils. I went to my neighboring town at the end of last week and picked up books.

  2. Lovely poem! I love all things language. So fascinating. Thanks for sharing those links. I’ve been trying to take a poetry course for the last few months. This reminds me that I should get back to it.

    I hope you have a lovely week!

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