The letter ‘O’ saw me going to history and people first and then landing upon a place I really hope to visit someday – Ooty! My DH and so many others among family and friends have visited this charming hill station nestled in the Nilgiris, but somehow I never have yet. So until I do, here is my ode to Ooty!
Ode to Ooty: An Abcderian Love Letter

Day 18 Prompts used in my Ode to Ooty
The NaPoWriMo prompt for day 18 is below:
Today, I’d like to challenge you to write an abecedarian poem – a poem in which the word choice follows the words/order of the alphabet. You could write a very strict abecedarian poem, in which there are twenty-six words in alphabetical order, or you could write one in which each line begins with a word that follows the order of the alphabet.
The April PAD prompt at Writer’s Digest for Day 18 is: Write a love poem, or write a not-love poem.
References and Further Reading
My O Books

Obit by Victoria Chang (Poetry)
Description: After her mother died, poet Victoria Chang refused to write elegies. Rather, she distilled her grief during a feverish two weeks by writing scores of poetic obituaries for all she lost in the world. In Obit, Chang writes of “the way memory gets up after someone has died and starts walking.”
My Quick Thoughts
Chang’s poems had my heart weeping and saying thank you to her words, as I recognized the grief many of us go through at the death of loved ones. From those sharp moments of pain at random somethings to those waves of grief at seemingly literal-nothings, from those warm fuzzy feelings from happy memories that some other random somethings trigger to those smiles lighting up our faces at other literal-nothings.. and more. Her words help channel all those feelings onto pages so expertly, and beautifully!
Other Words for Home
Other Words for Home by Jasmine Varga (Middle grade Novel in Verse)
Description: A gorgeously written, hopeful middle grade novel in verse about a young girl who must leave Syria to move to the United States, perfect for fans of Jason Reynolds and Aisha Saeed.

I read this book a while ago and so my review is based on memory and a few notes.
First, I do recall is being wowed by Jasmine Varga’s writing, and going on an emotional roller-coaster as I read the book. Second, a couple of the things that most resonated with me (and will with many others too) is the themes of fitting in, of identity in a new place, and of resilience throughout. The book is hopeful and heartwarming, tugging-at-heartstrings from start to end, and one that you will be sure to love, no matter where you are from.
And Now, the End of This Post
Linking up to BlogChatterA2Z, Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge, NaPoWriMo, and the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

Vidya, oh my, so many self-imposed rules for writing! Those word puzzles are not for me. I like to get my points across in an appealing way, so people are helped by my sharing. But do abcderian poems or multiple structured obits is probably very enjoyable for some. I read your lovely Ode to Ooty and enjoyed it very much. As always, you are brilliant!
Thank you for sharing such a lovely poem.
Interesting format for poetry!
Ronel visiting for O:
My Languishing TBR: O
Oreads: Nymphs of the Mountains
Your post on Ode to Ooty, Other Words for Paradise, and More is truly remarkable. I enjoyed reading about your personal experiences and observations of this beautiful place, as well as your exploration of different words for “paradise.” Your writing style is engaging and immersive, making it easy for readers to get lost in your words. Kudos to you!
such a lovely poem, thank you for sharing and spreading positivity through your poerty