Books, Memes, Reviews, Writing

Quilting Memoirs in Secret Gardens

Quilting Memoirs in Secret Gardens – Well, my posts for these letters that I am playing catch up with have titles that have these words (or forms of).. so read on to find out which books they are and to find out more of what you can discover within these books

And while you are here, enter the giveaway on my blog – just click on the image – Avengers Infinity War – on the right side bar for the giveaway (a total value of over $300 hosted by the Hopping Bloggers and I joined them to give this wonderful opportunity to readers)!

My Q R S posts /days 19 20 21 for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge  and the Ultimate Blog Challenge – April 2018. (Please read my note to my readers here )

Q post – The Quiltmaker’s Gift by Jeff Brumbeau (Author), Gail De Marcken (Illustrator) – For Within Books here, I am displaying here a couple of the wondrously detailed and beautiful illustrations from the book. My review of the book can be found here. And you can read the book online as well as see all the illustrations from the book here.

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reading lolita in tehran

R post – Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books is a book by Iranian author and professor Azar Nafisi. While I have not read the original book myself, I started it a couple of times but never got beyond a few pages each time before returning it to the library. I will try it once more but I knew that with the title and what I knew of the book, this book would be referencing many more books. And the endpages (and Wikipedia) conveniently provide a list of books for me to use for this Within Books theme. Here is a quiz for you to take to see how many of those books you have read. (My score, if you want to know, dear reader is 8 out of the total, so I have a long way to go too!!!)


[qsm quiz=3]

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S post – The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett – This was the first book I read by Burnett, years ago, when I was but a wee one. I fondly remember this as a gift from a family friend and I still have this book with me – a treasured item in my library. I read ‘The Little Princess’ years later, almost when I was an adult, and ‘Little Lord Flaunterloy’ – not yet. You can read the book in its entirety here.For Within Books from this book, I bring you a nursery rhyme. When Mary lands in the home of an English clergyman before heading to her uncle’s home in Yorkshire, she is almost immediately given a nickname (one she does not really like) by one of clergyman’s sons. The nickname – Mistress Mary Quite Contrary, and the rhyme, was of course, the following one:

“Mistress Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells, and cockle shells,
And marigolds all in a row.”

Buy it on Amazon

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Q to the reader: Well, this is a questionless post.. but you can make up your own based on the books above (in addition to the quiz above) if  you want and answer that for me today 🙂

Signing off on Days 19 20 21/letters Q R S on the #AtoZChallenge and #UltimateBlogChallenge for April 2018.

For facts and interesting discoveries within books, read my other posts so far by clicking on the links for each letter/day
My #atozchallenge and #UBCPosts:
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Note: This post contains affiliate links

7 thoughts on “Quilting Memoirs in Secret Gardens

  1. Everytime I read your posts, I say, “I’m going to get back to reading books, not using the computer”! I loved the Secret Garden, that brought back memories when my granddaughter was young and her and I would read it together.

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