Art, Memes

Rainbows and Schedules

For 6WS,
here are my 6 this week –
‘about time I created a schedule’ 
I am working on my goals made Jan 1st (changing it to goals rather than resolutions) but to have more success, I realize I need a schedule pronto so that is my short-term goal for this weekend. There are many more things I need to work on – specifically for the blog – adding a toolbar or sidebar that will help (reviews, recipes, memes, etc), adding labels to post that will result in returns when I add the toolbar, working on having more (quality) posts which means having a schedule created for the same.

For Saturday Snapshot at
West Retro Mommy Reads,  here is a photo I
took this week- today, actually, as rainbows appeared over and over again through the day..

Rainbows Nature's Art


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