
Simply Sunday – The Night Sky and Top 5 Sunday

As I wondered what I should write for my Sunday post, I found my journal of 20 years ago peeking out at me. (yes, I still have journals, letters from friends and family and more from eons ago and am just grateful we switched to e-communications for the most part in the recent year!). I decided to give my ‘old-me’ a chance and flipped through the pages. I found something that I thought was OK to post. It also struck a chord in me as I had just appreciated the night sky last night when I wondered if I had the lights on in the backyard and on checking as I closed down for the night, I realized it was just the light of the moon shining into our yard! It always manages to trick me and awe me. In addition, I found a wonderful description of a lovely night sky in my current read just today – from ‘The Book Thief’ – “In Liesel’s mind, the moon was sewn into the sky that night. Clouds were stitched around it.”
So, here is my poem about the night sky that I wrote twenty years ago (the date in my  journal says I wrote it on Nov 30, 1991!). Do give me your comments on the poem – would love to hear from you. (I did make some minor modifications as I typed it here to post it but tried to keep it true to my ‘old-me’)

A lovely sky, A cool night,
A beautiful pastel of hues of blue
And everything on earth seems bright
Under this vast ceiling of the sky so true
For million little lights – so perfect, so nice
Hang up there on the ceiling of the earth – the sky;
The brightest lamp up there is shaped, for today, like a ball
Which is sometimes crescent, and at other times, halved
And million little moonbeams radiate from it
to make a trip into the darkness on earth,
As they whisper by, every leaf on every tree glistens
As they glide about, every wave on the silent sea shimmers,
And as they most past homes
People see their dear ones in this light
And they remark – ‘You are lovely, my dear and such a wonderful sight’
Poem written by me: copyright: myRandRspace.blogspot.com

Image credit: jootix.com

A Sunday meme this week: Top 5 Sundays is hosted by Larissa at Larrisa’s Bookish Life where she posts a theme each week (you can vote on next week’s theme each week) and you can post/comment with your top five related to that theme and link back to her.
This week’s theme is Top Five Fictional Pets and my list (in no particular order) is below:

Buck from Call of the Wild
Black Beauty from Black Beauty
Snowy from the Tintin comics
Timmy the dog from Enid Blyton’s Famous Five series (http://www.enidblytonsociety.co.uk/famous-five.php)
Koochooloo the dog in Cutting for Stone

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