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Sunday Scribblings #162: The Power of a Simple Love Note

These past few days, I started and discarded so many drafts for Thursday through Saturday posts. Finally, I decided I will work on more next week and work on my Sunday scribblings instead! And I noticed another of those quirky holidays for the week – Love Note Day on the 26th of September. I looked to see the why and how of this holiday but could not find anything. However, it sure is something that can brighten anyone’s day, whoever you write a love note for! So this week’s poetic ramblings look at the power of a simple love note and my tips to write one poetically….

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #162:

Poetic Sundays: Here is the Love Note-let™!

The poetic form this week is my own version of a poetic love note, which is not really my own as such, for I am sure there are many short forms with such elements as I have used. But the name is something I chose for this one. And of course, while the inspiration for this was the quirky little holiday called Love Note Day (don’t ask me more about it for I am not sure myself!), don’t restrict yourself to this holiday to write love notes to loved ones.

After all, everyday is great to let your dear ones know you love them.. Leave little love note-lets for them (handwritten is better) if they are someplace you can do so, or mail one to them and make their day!

The Power of a Love Note-let

Love notes often come as pleasant surprises, bringing unexpected moments of joy and excitement. The receiver is sure to feel that they are cherished, valued, and never alone in their emotions. These little bytes of words on scraps of paper can become treasured keepsakes, and provide joy, hope, comfort, and reassurance, serving as a source of strength when needed. And they are a timeless testament to that most wonderful of human emotions – love!

So What is the Love Note-let?

The Love Note-let is a name I gave to this little poetic love note for you to write. For the sake of simplicity, this made-up form is a single four-line stanza his concise structure encourages poets to convey their feelings succinctly and directly. I is a traditional Spanish poetic form that consists of short stanzas with a specific rhyme and syllable pattern. It is known for its lively and rhythmic quality.

The Love Note-let’s Characteristics

So the love note-let’s elements are that at its most basic, it is:

  • stanzaic: is composed of a single couplet. However, should you so choose, you could write a series of couplets making it a little booklet of love note-lets!
  • syllabic: short and succinct syllabic count of 5 to 8 syllables per line. You can pick any number of syllables between 5 and 8 to keep it concise but ensure that both lines contain the same number. So 5/5, 6/6, 7/7, or 8/8.
  • rhymed: The lines rhyme.
  • themed with a focus on love, affection, or admiration. It can be a declaration of love, a compliment, or a heartfelt message. Personalize it for the recipient
  • untitled (unless you are making it a series, in which case you could title the booklet)
  • best handwritten on a note!!

Tips and More

My Love Note-let Attempt

To my sunray, to my starlight,
Sweetheart, you make my world so bright
~Vidya @ LadyInReadWrites

I have woken up my kids since they were little with specific terms for each of them for good morning and good night.. and this one is for my daughter, given the 25th of September observes National Daughter’s Day! And I will handwrite it soon…


On My Blog and the Homefront

Looks like I outdid myself this last week – not (that first part about outdoing myself was last year same week!)..


On My Blog and On the Homefront

Have a few wonderful books I would love to share with you this week! And of course, getting ready for the next set of celebrations too..


Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

Foodie Celebrations

Other Celebrations and Observations

Related Reads

Wrapped Up: My Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. I am guessing you will write a few love note-lets this week and then some! And, of course, do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month?

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon

Poetic Sundays: Here is the Love Note-let™!

17 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #162: The Power of a Simple Love Note

  1. I am so inspired and am going to create a fabulous love note for my hubby! He has all of the letters and notes I wrote to him when we were dating…. saved and put into our safe. He is so adorable and I know he would love a new note!

  2. This is so wonderful and I know that I love a random love note. I am such a romantic hidden inside a not-so romantic outer. That’s just because I have had to be so strong and survival mode for so long, now in my 40s I want to have this love life – so I am working on showing up with my hubs as this person to see how it works for us. Thank you for another powerful post.

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