Blogging, Books, Current Events, Lists, Music, Poetry, Technology, Words, Writing

Terrific Titles and Tunes + More Tacked on Too

Today’s post brings you totally terrific stuff.. I hope you think so.. Titles (as in books and names too) and tunes as well as more (poetry, for it is still NaPoWriMo) and techie talk too.

This post contains Amazon and other affiliate links, that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Thank you for your support. Please see the full disclosure for more information. I only recommend products I definitely would (or have already) use myself

Tackling the Terrific Turing Test

So have you watched The Imitation Game? The movie based on Alan Turing’s life? We loved it in our family. A look into his genius and his life. He came up with the Turing Test to determine whether a computer (and in today’s context, an AI) can “think.”

A short overview of how this test works. Imagine you’re having text conversations with two different entities, one is a person and the other is a computer. If you can’t tell which is which based on the conversation alone, then the computer has passed the Turing Test. It’s like a game where the computer tries to convince you it’s human, and if it succeeds, it’s considered pretty smart!

Have you watched Ex Machina? Or The Blade Runner? If not, do watch them.

In an aside: Mustafa Suleyman (CEO of Microsoft AI) proposed the Modern Turing Test last year for he believes that today’s AI needs to beat more than the existing test and hence crafted the modern test to match the capabilities of current/future AIs.

The T Titles on my TBR Pile and Others

TBR T Titles

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is all about the unread books on my shelves I still want to read. And I have a great many, so picked ten of them (there is more than ten for this too) with titles from the letter ‘T’ given I am on that day of the A to Z challenge anyways! I did include a couple of books that are rereads (but unread in the sense of this edition/this book on my shelf for sure).

  1. Tales from Shakespeare (need to read it fully)
  2. Tamarind City (recent addition to my bookshelf – from Nov 2023)
  3. Tamil Pulp Fiction (need to read it fully) (about 6 years ago now?)
  4. The Testament (since ages now …)
  5. A Theater for Dreamers (since 2020 on my shelf)
  6. The Three Musketeers (need to reread it)
  7. Thrilling Tales (from a used bookstore circa 2019)
  8. The Time Traveler’s Wife (at least 2018)
  9. The Travels of Jamie McPheeters (at least 2018)
  10. Tristan Betrayal (no idea!)
  11. Tuesdays With Morrie (from 2022 on my shelf??)

The PoeTry Titles

This is Just to Say

This Is Just to Say: Poems of Apology and Forgiveness by Joyce Sidman with drawings by Pamela Zagarenski (Children’s Poetry | 10 – 12 years, and up)

Description: A brilliant collection of poems written by an imaginary 6th grade class.

Thoughts: Tender, touching, and with a tad bit of humor too.

The Tree that Time Built

The Tree that Time Built selected by Mary Ann Hoberman and Linda Winston (Poetry Anthology | 7 – 12 years, and up)

Description: This is a moving anthology of more than 100 poems celebrating the wonders of the natural world and encouraging environmental awareness.

Thoughts: Terrific indeed!

Texting a Terrific Titan

NaPoWriMo’s Day 23 prompt is to write a poem about, or involving, a superhero, taking your inspiration from these four poems in which Lucille Clifton addresses Clark Kent/Superman.

Here is my offering.. light hearted one.. though my first thought for a superhero was actually Batkid (a really cute heartwarming Make a Wish story, and I checked up on news about him – he is fine!!).. But back to my offering. An imagined inbox of Marvel’s Daredevil with a flood of my texts to him!! I found a catchphrase I could use as well – “sorry, old fella.. but I never miss.” (source)

Terrific Tunes and Titles Too

Tanvi and Tejas for the names today. Tanvi means “the epitome of femininity” while Tejas means brilliance or radiance.

Thehar Zara O Janewale from Bootpolish (1953). I discovered something cool about this classic favorite (another my dad loved to sing). It was a song conceived in one film (Awara in 1951 where it was but a snippet) and then developed into a full song in the second one – featured below. You can see that transition in this video

Tu Hain Mera Prem Devta from Kalpana (1959)

I apologize for the not so clear video here but had to share this version with all of you as this is one of the few I captured of my dad singing (this was from 2009, an almost impromptu performance at a local temple event, he had not been singing much for a while except at home. He was almost 65 at this time).

Tu Mere Saamne from Darr (my mom enjoyed this movie/song)

And Now, the End of This Terrific Post!

Dear reader, do let me know if you have read any of the books listed today? Which book would you pick first? Will you attempt a poem today? What about the songs? Did you have a listen? And which Indian name appealed to you? Do share any book recommendations, poetry you loved or wrote, and of course, all and any thoughts on this post.

I am linking up to A-ZBlogchatterUBCNaPoWriMo

And you can find all my A-Z posts (this year and previous years’ as well) here:

A to Z Challenge Posts

11 thoughts on “Terrific Titles and Tunes + More Tacked on Too

  1. This post is indeed terrific. And, in keeping with T and poetry, I wrote two tanka poems today. They could be terrific or they could be terrible or they could be terrifying or just theatrical.

  2. Vidya, it sounds like I need to see The Imitation Game! Thanks for the recommendation. I love that you have books waiting for you on your bookshelf. I have a stack on my bedside table and a stack in the living room. When is the best day or time of day for you to read?

  3. What a terrific idea this post is. I love it. I will admit I have not heard of these movies or books but thatis the beauty of posts like this right? Finding new things.

  4. Since childhood, I have liked literary books such as those written by the writer Khalil Gibran. Then when I got older, I actually liked adventure and mystery books. Your posts always inspire me to keep reading books.

  5. I am so going to check out the The Imitation Game….as it sounds super interesting and I need a new good show to watch 😉

  6. I truly enjoyed the mix of book recommendations, poetic insights, and techie talk, especially your explanation of the Turing Test. Your selections from your TBR pile have given me a few new titles to add to my own list.

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