Books, Food, Memes

The Tuesday of Children’s Book Week, 2017

So, now that I completed two challenges in April, I realized I need the challenge of a challenge to keep me going, at least for now… So, while I was commenting on blogs for the April challenges, I noticed one of the bloggers was planning to take part in something called the 31 Day Writing Challenge over at WritersBra. Though the challenge started midway in April, I also noticed that Deanna of WritersBra also mentioned it would be OK to start it at anytime! So here is my Day One of that 31-day Challenge – Create a Cool Infographic.  It took a while to get an idea and then to learn how to do it – for the very first time, including figuring out the tool for it; but here it is:
 Tuesday on my blog, meant per my initial plan/theme, was for a Yummy Tummy Tuesday post featuring recipes tried, tested, and loved. It has been a while since I made an effort to write down such a post, though not for lack of trying out and enjoying new recipes! While I work towards actually getting recipes out here on my blog, today’s post will still be food-oriented and also towards my Top Ten Tuesday post.  And since this is Children’s Book Week (May 1 – 7, 2017), the Top Ten list today is geared towards children’s books (some middle grade as well)
Top Ten Covers of Children’s books featuring food covers all that I said earlier 🙂 
Have read and enjoyed:




Want/Yet to Read






6 thoughts on “The Tuesday of Children’s Book Week, 2017

    1. Deanna, thank you for visiting and your comment! Yes, I did use Canva.. took me sometime to figure out – it is a little time-consuming process wise, but I daresay I will get the hang of it soon..

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