
Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Wish I Could Read Again For The First Time

One more post for me today (saw this TTT on There’s a Book and could not resist adding my list here)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is:
Top ten books I wish I could read again for the first time!

My Top Ten:(was difficult to keep it to ten but here it is in no particular order, have cheated a little by adding a P.S. Note and P.P.S. Note to add some more to the list). This TTT is my first one…

  1. Little Women – have read this many first times over and will read this again hopefully with my daughter when she is a little older! (a free Kindle edition is available)
  2. Haroun and the Sea of Stories – Salman Rushdie – I first read this a couple of years ago and have reread it many times already
  3. What Katy Did – Susan Coolidge – This book was one of my first favorites! And I read it many times as a little girl. Would now love to read it with a fresh perspective.(a free Kindle edition is available and my copy of the book is back in India)
  4. The Three Fat Men – Yuri Olesha – Wow! This book, when I read as a kid, made me smile, cry, and angry based on what little Suok was doing. Now need to read it as an adult to see the deeper meaning in this book.
  5. Anne Frank – The Diary of a Young Girl – I always wished I would have the resourceful courage of Anne Frank!
  6. The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho writes poetry as prose!
  7. A Suitable Boy – Was amazed how Vikram Seth managed to write a book of this size and not lose the multiple story lines of the characters as well as the Suitable Boy’s story.. If time permits would definitely sit down to read this again.
  8. To Kill a Mockingbird – This was one book where I loved the movie and the book equally well (Gregory Peck, what can I say?)
  9. Lord of the Rings
  10. Twilight Series

These short stories also need to be added:
The Canterville Ghost
The Open Window
The Last Leaf

Other authors whose books I would read again:
Enid Blyton
Jane Austen
Thomas Hardy
Roald Dahl

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