Books, Family, Reviews

What Should You Say to Worry When ‘Worry Says What’?

Title: Worry Says What (32 pages)WorrySaysWhat
Author: Allison Edwards
Illustrator: Ayesha L Rubio
Age Range: 4 +
Publisher: National Center for Youth Issues (Sep 4, 2018)

Book Description:

Allison Edwards, author of the best-selling book Why Smart Kids Worry, gives a glimpse into the ways worry whispers to young minds, and offers a powerful tool all children can use to silence those fears.

“Worry’s songs tie my tummy up in knots,
and the things he says make my heart beat very fast.
Sometimes he speaks in a whisper, and other times
his voice gets so loud I can’t hear anything else.”

Worry and anxiety are currently the top mental health issues among children and teens. Children have a number of worries throughout childhood that will come and go. The problem is not with the worries themselves, but that children believe the worries to be true. With a relatable story and beautiful artwork, Worry Says What? will help children (and adults) flip their thinking when anxious thoughts begin and turn them into powerful reminders of all they are capable of accomplishing.

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My Thoughts:

‘The greatest thing to fear is fear itself’ is a quote I read or maybe heard years ago and it stayed with me since. It is a simple and yet not-so-simple truth. And I believe the same thing is true about worry as well. One of the worst things to worry about is worrying itself. Because it lends itself to the worst sort of vicious cycles.

While this book does not talk about the worry of worrying about worry itself (sorry!), it will help kids (with the target demographic being kids of age 5-12 years) deal with all those worries they might face on a more regular basis. ‘Did I study enough for that test?’, ‘Is there a monster under my bed?’, ‘Will they be friends with me?’, and more of a similar nature. This might hopefully nip the problem in the bud and thus end those vicious cycles before they begin.

The book takes us through the battles a little girl has with worry and of how she faces this worry-monster and emerges the victor! She personifies worry as this furry monster who literally sets up camp in her mind and constantly nags her to that point where she gives up on things she has to do everyday.

I loved that the illustrator drew Worry with the right mix of adorable and scary to make the point of it being a monster across while ensuring it is fine for the younger audience. Once she realizes how Worry is stopping her from almost everything, she decides that enough is enough! And, well, Worry now starts shrinking as she outshouts him, ignores him, and challenges him, and finally decamps from her mind…

An inclusion somewhere of how universal worry is might have made it more comforting and I felt like I wanted to read it out in rhyme at times (which it was not)..

So Should You Read This Book?

Yes, with the quick tips included at the end of the book for parents, educators and care-givers to help children deal with worry, and the adorable illustrations and overall self-help nature of the book for kids, this is a great addition to classroom libraries and homes as well.

Rating: B+
Reading Level: Elementary school age kids (Grades K – 5)
Reread Level: As much as needed 🙂

Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC of this book.

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Writing this post as a series for the Ultimate Blog Challenge and Write 31 Days.  31 Days, 31 Books! This is for Day Seven.

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2 thoughts on “What Should You Say to Worry When ‘Worry Says What’?

    1. Yes Roy – agree with both the age range and subject matter… While the book info on its website says it is for up to 12 years old, I feel it is better served for elementary age kids..(and I did include that initially in a draft, so maybe I should add that back in like I normally do!)

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