Oh yes, I know there are definitely those who might not agree with the sentiments in the title of the post today; but for many of us, including me, we are all letting out a collective whoop of victory, from wherever we are!!
Definitely glad and proud of the pair on the way to the White House now. And doubly so too…
Where there is unity there is always victory. — Publilius Syrus

Poetic Sundays
The Con-Verse
As I continue exploring invented forms, I looked to ShadowPoetry this week and returned with the con-verse. A fun and short poetic form that I know you will enjoy trying out, and hopefully shout out a whoop of victory when you do finish writing it!! (that is not me though…)
h/t: ShadowPoetry
What is the Con-Verse?
The Con-Verse is all about couplets, three or more, with the first couplet having lines of 7 syllables each, and each couplet after that having one additional syllable until you reach a couplet of 11 syllables. And you can then repeat starting at 7 if you wish to continue the con-verse. This was created by Connie Marcum Wong.
The Con-Verse’s Characteristics
So here are this form’s key elements:
- metered and syllabic: 7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11
- rhymed: aa,bb,cc,dd,ee
- make it your own: chose to have only three couplets, or have repeated verses of 5 couplets for as long as you wish, or a 5 couplet verse followed by three to five couplets.
My Example
As the title of my poem states, this is (at least, in my opinion, for my son says it is not cringe-y)
A Cringe-y Con-verse-ly Ode to the Elections (aka A Whoop of Victory!)
laughter sounded everywhere (a7)
surrounded by whoops and cheer (a7)
people watched as the map turned blue (b8)
optimism along with hope grew (b8)
you see, fairness does win finally (c9)
this pair of winners fills us with glee..(c9)
vidya @ ladyinreadwrites
On the Home Front
I mentioned the pair of benches my teenager made as part of his Eagle Project recently for his middle school. And he has since created an Instructable on how to make them yourself. Check it out here or click on the image below
My Blog Posts
From my last Sunday Scribblings
- Nonfiction Roundup Post One: Cybils Awards
- The Next President: A Book Review & The Current Great Thing
- What a Wonderful World of Books and Words
- 3 Great Coding Books For the Little Coders
- My Year in Nonfiction: Looking Back and Then Forward
- Sunday Scribblings #49: Asking Zoltar What He Can See
Saying Goodbye
We bid a sad adieu to Alex Trebek as he finally lost his battle with cancer. And I know I definitely wished I could have met him someday or be on the sets of Jeopardy even if as a audience member, instead of playing along while watching on TV.
Bookstagram Attempts
The Others
On My Blog and Home-front
Nothing new here… oh well, there is one of the most awaited festivals we celebrate – Deepavali (literally meaning a row of lights) – coming up this week. So I, like many Indians around the world, am going to (try to) make a few special treats for the festival. While we normally meet friends and family for the occasion, this time, is of course, going to be different. We will be celebrating virtually with loved ones. But the joy and warmth will still be present, I am sure of that.
This Week’s Celebrations
For this week, including today…
- Today Nov 8th is National STEM/STEAM Day as well as National Cappuccino Day (a few STEM books for young readers are listed here and here on my blog, as well as the coding related books in my recent posts)
- We celebrate more food this week with National Vanilla Cupcake Day on the 10th, National Sundae Day on the 11th, and National Spicy Guacamole Day on the 14th! In addition, with it being Deepavali (or Diwali, the Indian festival of light) on the 13th and 14th, it is sweets and snacks time for us ! Deepavali signifies the victory of good over evil, and people celebrate this victory of Rama over Ravana, of the victory of Krishna over Narakasura.
- The 12th is National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day while the 14th is National Family PJ Day (and if you are in India, it is also Children’s Day)
- And it being the second Week in November, it is National Young Reader’s Week (check out this list of National Book Award winners for your young readers along with all the nonfiction books I featured in my previous post); as well as Geography Awareness Week (couple of books and games I mentioned earlier are here and here)
- There are also lots of wonderful international/world celebrations this week with World Kindness Day on the 13th; World Science Day for Peace and Development on the 10th; it is World Quality Day on the second Thursday in November; World Freedom Day on the 9th.
Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings
So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings. I would love to hear your comments on my post(s), poetic Sunday section, and anything else. And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)? Also, I do look forward to reading your poems (hoping you have attempted one or the other forms so far?!)
Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon
I haven’t attempted a poem yet, but I will be celebrating world kindness day!
oh yes, me too..
I hope you will share photos of your festival of lights celebration. And I would also love to know more about this celebration.
I always enjoy seeing your photos. Great photo of the spider.
The con-verse is completely new to me. You provided a great example of a con-verse.
thank you so much Deb… I will definitely share a few photos and more about the celebration as well over the week..
This is a great poem, welldone. I’m also looking to try it.
thank you Puja!!
I love seeing the week in review and your victories.
I love your Sunday Scribblings. I feel women everywhere should be celebrating the election. History has been made! The con-verse is a new poetry style and one I would like to try. Enjoy your celebrations this week!
thank you! And yes, this is certainly historic
Poetry is so wonderful to me! I can’t write it, but I sure do appreciate yours. I love your Sunday Scribblings! (Also obsessed with the name!)
thank you Alyssa!! I am not sure where I got the inspiration from, but i am glad it has gotten me scribbling more!!
It has been an interesting couple of weeks for sure! Those look like great benches.
thanks Marysa.. the principal did love those benches.. but it will be a while before students actually use them