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Words Rock and Shine Through the Book of Time

Words rock indeed! Whether words are talking about time, or the book of time, or books or anything else, or simply rocking themselves as word rocks, they manage to always make an impact. So here is to words that rock… on paper, rocks, or elsewhere…

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Words Rock: The Book of Time

Book Info

The Book of Time by Clive Gifford. Nonfiction (Time) | 8 – 11 years, and up | words & pictures (August 29, 2023)

(Available to preorder now)

Source: Netgalley/Edelweiss digital ARC


What is time? How does it work? And is it even real? The book uses time as a lens to explore a wide variety of STEAM subjects that kids know and love—such as space, dinosaurs, animals, the human body, and machinery—with a completely fresh perspective.

My Thoughts

I had this book on my ‘Looking Forward to Great Reads‘ list last week, and now I have checked this one off my list! So there is a first time for everything, including finishing a book on my TBR soon after I added it there 🙂

This one is a MUST-READ for all ages, all and any time too, and reminds me why I love reading children’s nonfiction so much. It is a book that we can keep returning to, dip into for a fascinating fact or two or more, and always be rewarded for the time spent with this book of time.

With really clever section names like ‘Curious Calendars,’ ‘The Time it Takes,’ and my favorite ‘A Timeline of Time’ and colorful, detailed illustrations accompanying the totally fascinating facts and information within, this book is one I know I will be getting a copy for myself as soon as I can.

I can keep talking about this book because I truly want to let you know how much I love and appreciate it, but rather than spending time reading my thoughts, I would prefer you go ahead and preorder it for yourself or for a loved one, regardless of age. Time reading it is sure to be time well-spent, with every moment worth it. As for me, I am going back to read it again.

Words Rock in Word Rocks

July 3rd is International Drop A Rock Day and started when one woman wrote a message on a rock and left it in a place where others could find it. From that single event grew The Kindness Rocks Project, and now people everywhere find (and leave) rocks with messages and art on them.

I am sure you have seen or chanced upon a few yourself; or maybe even painted and left them for others to find. Whenever I see one, I tend to leave it where it was but take a photo of it. These rocks never fail to make me smile or cheer me up.

Word rocks do rock and today is your chance to look for some yourself, or leave one for others to find. But don’t worry, if you don’t do it today, you can still do it any day of the week or year too. After all, days like these are just a reminder for us to do something cool and kind like this.

Here are a few books and rocks too for you.

Art on the Rocks

Art on the Rocks: More than 35 colorful & contemporary rock-painting projects, tips, and techniques to inspire your creativity! by F. Sehnaz Bac, Marisa Redondo, and Margaret Vance ()

Description: Grab your colors, head outside, and start painting beautiful works of art on stones. Art on the Rocks, an all-inclusive instruction book, is packed with creative ideas, step-by-step projects, and endless inspiration for creating masterpieces that are truly one with nature.

Source: Originally Netgalley ARC and now library copy 

My Thoughts

I read and used this book initially a few years ago, and was impressed by it then. My daughter and I started painting a few rocks at the time but not sure what we did with those now. I need to ask her 🙂

Recently, I picked it up again from the library to try it out after seeing a blogger friend (Alice Gerard) post rocks she painted. And I hope to post pics of my own creations soon.

Since it includes designs from 3 different artists/authors here, there is a cool variety in the patterns and projects within. With detailed instructions and clear steps, this book offers something for everyone – no matter whether you are a novice artist or an experienced one. I loved all the tips and helpful hints along with so much other bonus material that is sure to help everyone produce art-rocks!

Scribble Stones

Scribble Stones by Diane Alber (Children’s Art Books | 3 – 6 years, and up)

Description: A heartwarming story about a little stone who was able to spread kindness to the world!

My Quick Thoughts: I read Alber’s I’m Not Just a Scribble sometime ago and loved it!! This book is as adorable and sweet as that book. Read it now!!

The Rest

This Rock Painting Kit is a great way to get started on your rock painting journey – be it words or images on them.

And if you have a budding geologist in the making, then this Rock & Mineral Starter Kit from National Geographic makes a great gift. Plus a great way to spend the summer too. While I have not gotten this exact kit for my kids, I have gotten other similar ones for them as well as to gift to friends. Each of them has been a hit.

  • If you choose to give word rocks to friends and family, or leave some for others to find, or maybe for yourself, then these beautiful engraved rocks are perfect.

And Now, the End of this Post

Dear reader, which of these books appeals to you? Any similar recommendations for me? Do let me know. Have you painted rocks and left them somewhere for others to find? Or found one someone else left?

image of word rocks with pin title Words Rock in Word Rocks (Book List and more)

16 thoughts on “Words Rock and Shine Through the Book of Time

  1. I get joy from reading children’s books. The subtle message can be rewarding. Even though they are written for younger audiences, I enjoy seeing how the author can take complex subjects and really get to the message so that a young person can understand it.

    It sounds like a ‘technical’ book like ‘The Book of Time’ would do that.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I think alot of these would make lovely gift or Christmas gift ideas! I know my daughter would like the Rock & Mineral Starter Kit.

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post, especially your review of “The Book of Time.” Your enthusiasm for the book shines through, and your description of its content and illustrations makes it a compelling read for all ages. I also appreciate the addition of rock painting books and kits, showcasing your creativity and love for art. Keep up the great work!

  4. It is nice when you can check a book of your to read list so soon. I have I list I need to get through for this summer too.

  5. Thank you for the reminder to check out the children’s section for inspiration. I used to that when I worked at B & N. Now I want to learn more about time and paint some rocks. Seriously!

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