Just listing a few cookbooks(with brief reviews of them) and cooking websites I love (some of these are in my blogroll but including some others here as well):
Monsoon Diary: A Memoir with Recipes – by Shoba Narayan – This book is exactly what the title says it is – a delightful memoir where recipes are sprinkled throughout. Each recipe follows a story and is related to it in its’ own sweet and tangy fashion. I loved the recipes and the anecdotes in this book.
1000 Vegetarian Recipes – By Carol Gelles – This was one of the first books I purchased when I moved to the US of A, zillion years ago now or so it seems – I saw this on one of my initial trips to the local Borders store (:-( and just bought it – i have grown to love it and rely on it as well – kind of like teaser Tuesday concept below, I sometimes open up to a random page and pick an item to cook (providing I have the ingredients at home!)
Samaithu Paaru (Cook and See) series by Meenakshi Ammal – This is an essential in most Tamil homes. Meenakshi Ammal is an icon in traditional South Indian homes and a true entrepreneur at a time when cookery books were scoffed at. Her books, first published in 1951, are still popular and packed into the suitcases of many young Tamil brides as they leave their maternal homes. I refer to the books for recipes so very often – to cook in the authentic way. This book – volume 3 – is my faithful guide for all major Tamil celebrations – she provides brief but helpful information on each function with the hows(how to celebrate the religious and cultural aspects of the function), whys(why do we celebrate it), whats (what do we need for the religious/cultural ceremonies and what are the special dishes prepared for this occasion).
Cookbook series by Mallika Badrinath – Another set of books I got from my mom when I got married and left for the US – I had not cooked a complete meal, well, not even a cup of tea actually before that – and mom felt this will be useful in lieu of her not being next to me, just like the Meenakshi Ammal series.
Foodie blogs/sites:
Tuesday Memes:
Top Ten
Tuesdays: This week’s theme at The Broke and Bookish is the Top Ten Gifts I would like to receive from Santa
- The Hunger Trilogy – I have read about it everywhere but have to yet getting around to reading it myself so if Santa gets it for me, I hopefully will read it.
- The Three Fat Men (this edition!)
- Asterix comics series
- Tintin comics series
- Calvin and Hobbes – complete set
- The Book Thief – for rereading many times
- Enid Blyton series – any one or all
- Any one of the amazing Robert Sabuda popup books
- Everything on It – Shel Silverstein

I decided to stop at nine because technically many of the items on this list that I am hungering for (! including The Hunger Trilogy) are sets/complete series. So as to not appear too greedy, I stopped at nine.
Also, Yay! for me, I have two gifts coming on the way to my Christmas tree already – I won books, twice actually, in the past couple of weeks:
1. Red Sled by Lita Judge – Won this at There’s A Book – Thank you again! for the book and the mention of my blog here.
2. A combination package of favorite classic Austen – I chose Sense and Sensibility with Mansfield Park – I won this at the Gospel of Austen Giveaway over at Les Livres – Thank you once again!
MizB of Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesdays. Anyone can play
along. Just do the following:
*Grab your current read.*Open to a
random page.
*Share two “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.
You don’t want to ruin the book for others.
title and author too, so other TT participants can add it to their TBR lists if
they like your teaser.
“And his own thoughts – they always fanned out, spiralled upwards and downwards unintelligently, rolled themselves up into random curls, chased their own tails and came to nothing. He was twenty-six, but look at the way his mind worked!”
‘The Sari Shop’ by Rupa Bajwa
Oh The Book Their should have been on my Santa list! Check out my top ten at epiphanyrenee.blogspot.com
@Epiphany Reneetoo many more books got left off my list too..