
Yummy Tummy Tuesday – Green Beans and Mung curry

What you need:
Green Beans – chopped – 2 cups
Split mung dal – 1/4 cup
Red chillies – 2 (or to taste)
Mustard seeds – 1/2 tsp
Urad dal – 1/2 tsp
Hing – few pinches
Salt – to taste
Curry leaves – a few
Oil – 2 tsps
How to make:
Soak the mung dal for 1 hour.
Chop and steam the green beans.
Heat the oil in a pan. Add the mustard seeds, urad dal, hing, red chillies and curry leaves.
When the mustard sputters, add the steamed green beans and the soaked mung dal. Add the salt.
Cook for 10 – 15 minutes on medium-low heat and it is ready to serve.

This goes towards CWS-Mung Beans event.

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