
Yummy Tummy Tuesday – Pearl Couscus with mushroom and broccoli

2 cups Pearl Couscous (I mixed up 1 cup of
toasted pearl couscous with one cup of Trder Joes mixed grain pearl couscous
which has some baby gorbanzo beans, 
4 to 5 baby bella mushrooms – sliced
10 broccoli florettes
red onion – 1/2 medium – chopped
red pepper flakes – to taste
black pepper – to taste
salt – to taste
olive oil – 2 tsps
Heat water and cook the couscous according to package
Meanwhile, heat the oil, add the black pepper powder and red
pepper flakes. Add the chopped onions and cook till translucent.
Next, add the sliced mushrooms and cook for a few minutes.
When ½ cooked, add the broccoli florettes and cook all together.
Add salt to taste and mix well. Add the cooked couscous, mix
well, and serve.
Book Review:
OMG Pancakes – I love making food in shapes that will fascinate my kids and
make even boring foods fun. Decorating the plate to make it fun to eat is a big
thing with me and when I saw this book, I had to read it – pancakes (already a
favorite at home), made in wonderful ways!
This fun book is chock-full of ideas to make pancakes way
more interesting and fun than they already are and also make them a thing of
art. You can apply the concepts to other foods of course and make eating a
whole new wonderful experience. The book includes 75 fun pancakes and shows
with detailed photos and illustrations how to make and plate the pancakes.
Jim started out making pancakes for his daughter and when he
started his blog, it became hugely popular – this book is a result of that and I
am glad this book is here!
Rating: A- (for a pancake book, this is A-! given it delivers very well what it talks about)

Disclaimer:Thank you to Penguin Books (USA) for sending me a digital review copy via NetGalley. I was not compensated for
my review. My thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or
publicist. They are my personal opinions formed when I read this book. 
For Top Ten
, this week, it is the theme of our choice – I decided to look at the archives of the Top Ten Themes and picked up the following
Top ten movie adaptations of books:
  1. The Lord of the Rings series – loved all the movies in the series – was really well-made – the movie in this case, did justice to the books.
  2. Anne Frank – The diary of a young girl This book is a childhood favorite and when I saw the movie the first time, I loved it. There is a newer version, 2000 version with Ben Kingsley, which I have not seen yet.
  3. Black Beauty –Classic book made into a wonderful movie. 
  4. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the sea Again, a classic book made into a great movie. Jules Verne was one of my favorite authors to read and I have read many of his books. I remember watching this movie for the first time at school many years ago – it was a wonderful treat for all of us and I loved it.
  5. The Darling Buds of May
    This is a BBC TV series but I had to include it – the characters are brought to life delightfully in this series.
  6. Gone with the Wind Loved the book when I read it and reread it as well. When I first saw the movie, I remember taking the book with me as well and sitting with it in front of the TV :). My favorite character – Rhett Butler, of course!
  7. To Kill a Mockingbird Gregory Peck – what more can I say? Neverthless, this movie was wonderful.
  8. Where Eagles Dare Alistair McLean was one of my favorite authors of his genre and I remember reading his books – I was the only girl in my class reading McLean while others were reading Mills and Boons! The movie was as exciting as the book.
  9. Little Women This book is a treasured, beloved classic and I know I can read it many times over. I have watched a couple of different movie versions and enjoyd them both. In India, growing up, I remember watching a TV series as well in Hindi, adapted from Little Women, which was extremely well-made for the Indian audience while keeping true to the book, as far as it could – Kachchi Dhoop.
  10. The Secret Garden  Again, this book is a treasured book. reading it the first time was a wonderful experience  as this was a gift to me from someone who knew I loved books. The movies, I watched recently, and have loved watching them with my kids.
Teaser Tuesdays: MizB of Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesdays. Anyone can
play along. Just do the following:
*Grab your current read.*Open to a random page.
*Share two “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.
the book for others.

*Share the title and author too, so other TT participants
can add it to their TBR lists if they like your teaser.
This week, again, my teaser is from ‘The First Men in the Moon’ 

“Incredible as it will seem, this interval of time that I spent in space has no sort of proportion to any other interval of time in my life. Sometimes it seemed as though I sat through immeasurable eternities like some god upon a lotus leaf, and again as though there was a momentary pause as I leapt from moon to earth.

Wells, H. G. (Herbert George) (2004-10-20). The First Men in the Moon (p. 135). Public Domain Books. Kindle Edition.

4 thoughts on “Yummy Tummy Tuesday – Pearl Couscus with mushroom and broccoli

  1. I love your list! I have only watched TO kill A Mockingbird and Lord of the Rings from your list but I am positive that the rest of the books or movies are awesome! Thank you for stopping by my blog and I'm a new follower too! 🙂

    Celine @ Forget-me-not

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