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Zoom into the Zippy World of Zealous Zillennials and Zhar-ptistas

Have you heard the term zillennials? If not, no worries! I talk about it today – just a brief zip-zap-zoom and then we will move on to discovering zilots and zhar-ptistas next!

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Say Hello to the Zillennials

The term “Zillennial” refers to a micro-generation that kind of blur the line between the Millennials and the Gen Zs, hence the neologism ‘zillennial.’ They have evolved almost in parallel with the internet!!

While there isn’t a universally agreed-upon date range for Zillennials, they are generally considered to be those born in the late 1990s to early 2000s. So do you know a zillenial? I know I do!!

Zany Zilots for Zillennials and Others

Zilot & Other Important Rhymes

Zilot & Other Important Rhymes by Bob Odenkirk with illustrations by Erin Odenkirk, and contributions by  Nate and Naomi Odenkirk (Children’s Poetry | 4 – 9 years, and up)

Description: Emmy Award-winning and New York Times bestselling writer, comedian, and actor Bob Odenkirk and his daughter, illustrator Erin Odenkirk, present poetic nonsense for all ages perfect for fans of Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutsky!

My Thoughts: Zany and zesty and zealous too!

Note: A zilot btw refers to the coolest type of home-made fort ever! And I love Bon Odenkirk but did not make the connection of the author to the actor until I went and read the author bio!

A Zhar-ptista’s Zaijian to her Zillennials!

NaPoWriMo’s Day 30 prompt (yay!) is to write a poem in which the speaker is identified with, or compared to, a character from myth or legend, as in  Claire Scott’s poem “Scheherazade at the Doctor’s Office.”

Decided to also include the APAD prompt for Day 30: Write a The End poem (a stretch but I include ‘partings’ and ‘farewell’s and the day’s ‘end’ too; and dVerse’s Quadrille prompt – a 44 word poem including a form of the word ‘blaze

I have always loved the firebird in the Ukranian fairy tales I read as a child (and still reading about the many Prince Ivans and the Vasilisas and the Baba Yagas!!) so I used that today as inspiration. Plus, the Slavic name for the firebird is zhar-ptitsa (fitting into the letter Z for the day!)

Farewell Feathers
Deep within, a Maryushka-spirit beams,
My home, a haven of woven dreams.
Yet, like the blazing zhar-ptitsa’s flight,
Urged by the labor-falcon’s cries,
I part from loved ones with a sigh.
Each farewell, my heart’s feathers descend
Each tear longing for the day’s end.

~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites

Almost Done, and You Can Give in to the Zzzzs Soon

My Z name is Zainab meaning ‘fragrant flower’

And the Z Bollywood songs for you are

Zara Zara from Rehna Hain Tere Dil Mein

Zindagi ki yahi reet hain from Mr. India

And Now, the End of this Post

Dear reader, do let me know if you have read the book listed today? Will you attempt a poem today? Do share any book recommendations, poetry you loved or wrote, and of course, all and any thoughts on this post.

I am linking up to A-ZBlogchatterUBCNaPoWriMo

And you can find all my A-Z posts (this year and previous years’ as well) here:

A to Z Challenge Posts

14 thoughts on “Zoom into the Zippy World of Zealous Zillennials and Zhar-ptistas

  1. I’ve never heard of zillenials before until now. I sure do love this poem you came up with though. It’s really good.

  2. oh that’s interesting about Zillennials, I didn’t know that! It’s funny because there’s also a micro-generation called Xennial (between Gen X and millennial), which I am and strongly identify with!

  3. I have a son and daughter that are both Zillenials if your dates are correct. Thsi si super cool ansd love the names they come up with for gnerations.

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