
2014 Reading Challenges

My 2013 Reading Challenges
– I was over-enthusiastic in joining them
and even though I read many books and quite a few challenges must have
been met and completed with the ones I read, I failed to review all of
them and link up – so in that effect, the challenges were not met, not
even remotely! My 2013 challenge sheet (updated a bit) is here.


would mean I learned a lesson and I would not sign up for (m)any
challenges this
year, but not so! I believe in ‘Try again and you will succeed!’ So here
is my list of 2014 Challenges I plan to join. I have definitely kept
the list of challenges limited compared to last year (12 this year
compared to the really crazy number of 21 last year). I will also
continue to read (try to) complete my list of 1001 Books

I will keep a track of my progress here.



Reading Challenge Name Link Level
Reading Outside the Box http://thecheapreader.wordpress.com/2013/11/05/introducing-reading-outside-the-box-challenge/ N/A
Newbery http://www.smilingshelves.com/1/post/2013/12/newbery-reading-challenge-2014.html L’Engle: 15 – 29 points
Picture Books http://mybookdragon.blogspot.com/2013/11/rc-i-love-picture-books.html N/A
What’s in a Name http://wormhole.carnelianvalley.com/whats-in-a-name-2014-sign-up-post/ N/A
CORL http://gatheringbooks.wordpress.com/2013/12/30/check-off-your-reading-list-challenge-2014-corl-2014/ Level 2 (11-25 books) โ€“ Book Savant
Foodies Reads http://foodiesread2014.blogspot.ae/ Sous-Chef: 9 to 13 books
52 Books in 52 Weeks http://www.read52booksin52weeks.com/2013/12/2014-read-52-books-in-52-weeks.html N/A
Women’s http://www.peekabook.it/2013/12/2014-women-challenge-reviewsrecensioni.html Level 3: SUPER GIRL – read 16 to 20 books written by a woman author
NetGalley/Edelweiss http://www.fallingforya.com/2013/12/2014-netgalley-edelweiss-reading.html Platinum โ€“ 75 books
Monthly Key Word http://bookmark2blog.blogspot.com/2013/11/2014-monthly-key-word-reading-challenge.html N/A
South Asian http://skrishnasbooks.com/2013/12/the-perpetual-south-asian-challenge.html#comment-40025 N/A
2014 Reading Challenge http://tuesdayswednesday.wordpress.com/2013/12/30/2014-reading-challenge/ N/A

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