Everything Else, Writing

A Blog Schedule? How It Helped, Helps, Will Help….

Blogging is fun, but it takes time, effort, commitment. I often find myself in short supply of one or the other of those. But a blog schedule help(ed) – how, you ask? Well, read the post to find out.

I pondered and pondered some more, on our drive home, while I was cooking, in the shower, while trying to fall asleep, and well, pondered everywhere over the past couple of days and decided I would go back to the beginning. To the beginning for my blog, to when I had a schedule for the week which would pander to all I want to write about, to my blogful of niches! So many bloggers seem to have it just right – churning out wonderful, useful, fun, informative posts every time I visit their blog; and I wonder how they do it? Well, I am guessing (am pretty sure), they have a blog schedule, and more importantly – stick to it.Blog Schedule


Having a schedule for me meant a theme for each day of the week. This does not necessarily mean you need to post each day and also that you are bound to the theme, because after all, it is your blog! So whether I post once in a week or everyday, at least I have something to think about based on my schedule – a starting point, so to speak. But if I don’t feel like the theme is working for me that day, or I have something else really cool I want to work on – I go ahead and do that.. and sometimes, I just schedule the post I write for a future day 🙂

So if you are wondering what I am prattling about, here it is – the schedule I used to follow (more or less) before on my blog:

“Simply Sunday ” – Simply what I want to write about at that time!

Magic Monday” – Here I capture the magic of books as I discover more of that magic by myself or with my kids. I review and recommend the books we enjoyed the most.

Yummy Tummy Tuesday” – Recipes I have tried out, sometimes created, and definitely the recipes we have fallen in love with in our family, as well as favorite eat-outs – these are the ones I will add on Yummy Tummy Tuesdays

“World of Words Wednesday” – book reviews here, or I will talk about words – facts, word origins, and more and on days when I cannot post reviews or word-posts, I will have Wordless Wednesdays instead – a picture, after all, says a thousand words! Sometimes, I cannot get some words I have heard or read out of my mind – a new word(s) and I will add them as well in the post

“Travel/Tech/Tip/Throwback Thursdays” – a travel journal/guide of places we have visited and loved – I will try to provide helpful tips and other information along with our travel experiences and hope it helps people who fall in love with the place when they read about it. Or a tech post with updates on what I am learning tech-wise currently; tips some Thursdays for life in general or something specific; or a throwback post…

Fun Friday” – of course, Fridays are fun! And I will post my reviews of the fun things I do – movies watched, games played, websites/blogs visited, other fun things (theme parks, etc, etc).

“Super Saturday” – life is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and part of that will spill over here..

And for any of these weekday themed posts, I will write them in various different ways:

  • A book related post – reviews/facts/more about a book or books I discover – you will see this most often as that is my favorite thing to do ever
  • Every once in a while, I plan to feature local businesses/other blogs/something else completely, just because
  • How-tos/mixup of the themes
  • Interviews with authors/bloggers/others
  • Roundup posts and Guest-posts – Have not done this yet on my blog ever but looking forward to working with other bloggers to do this

And don’t forget that a schedule should also include time for not just writing and editing and publishing the post, but also taking it out into the world so people actually know it is there to be read..

Coming soon on my blog – downloadable template(s) to plan a blog schedule that will hopefully help me stay consistent, and having tried it out myself, to help you as well.

So dear reader, what helps you when you are in a slump and just don’t know what to write? Let me know in the comments..

6 thoughts on “A Blog Schedule? How It Helped, Helps, Will Help….

  1. That is a perfect list of things I would love to read on a blog. You have it well organized Vidya!! It’s been a while I visited and I love the new look 🙂 Keep going my friend!

  2. I love this schedule , it has all the things I would love to read on a blog. Keep up the great work Vidya! My earlier comment was not accepted and errored as duplicate , so trying again!

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