Everything Else

Short & Sweet

Oh! There are so many books to read, so many skills to learn, so many places to go, so many blogs to visit, so many fun things to do, and….. Well, the list can go on endlessly if I keep on at it, right? And I want to write about all of those for you here on my blog (as I have done in the past as well). 

I have been on again, off again on my blog and sometimes it is due to, let me face it, sheer laziness, and at others life itself. But sometimes it is because I simply do not know what to write. And having a weekly schedule earlier did help me. So I am going to get back to that or somewhere close to that starting September – well, it is here already!! 

Here is my post for the weekly schedule I plan to use to help keeping me going…

Next up on the list – a giveaway to come soon!! Yay!! Look out for it next week on my blog starting Tuesday, September 4th.

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