
A Sunday Monday Post (not a creative post title, I know!)

For Magpie Tales, Sunday Whirl (Unbidden sharp hillside patches edges spill swarm exact
where gathered ghosts), Sunday Scribblings(Red hot), Succinctly Yours(photo: on right below, word: myriad – 51 words)

All his myriad possessions
On his head he had bundled
Climbed up a sharp hillside
Past the untended patches
To the exact spot where
Was rumored that ghosts gathered
Where the world spilled over its
Where magic glowed red-hot
Where wishes and charms swarmed
He walked on – into oblivion.

What do you do when life gets in the way, and you just don’t have much time to read? Do you complain? Do you accept it? Do you do everything in your power to make time to read? 
Reading is in my blood or so it feels.. Reading for me is magical – of course!, medicinal – makes me feel better no matter how I am feeling.  I always have something with me to read – on an e-device or an actual book – so I can sneak in a read – in the waiting rooms in doctor’s offices, while I wait for my carpool outside my house, while I am cooking(so meals take longer to cook!), well, just about anytime and anywhere and anything as well from comics to articles to blog posts to books. But life still can get in the way and I sometimes just cannot make time to read – it does make me feel as if something is missing but I take it with a BIG grain of salt.
Also Mingling at Monday Mingle.

11 thoughts on “A Sunday Monday Post (not a creative post title, I know!)

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