Being present in the moment is important – this is something we have all heard so often, and it is all the more important now. We can be present in the moment positively, even with all that is going on around us.
Here are three simple ideas to be present and be positive:
- Savor the everyday ritual. As you sip your cup of tea or drink your mug of coffee, or hot cocoa, whatever the time of the day, simply focus on each sip and enjoy it. Or/and choose any other everyday event and make it a ritual to savor.
- Be intentional in your tasks, at least some of them. So I while I cook meals everyday (and even more of them nowadays, with two teens and two adults in the house always) so we can stay fed, I can chose to intentionally cook with love so my family enjoys the meal.
- Be fully present in those fun moments. Put on some favorite music and sing along and/or dance along. You will find that you were totally in that moment (for longer than a moment) without even realizing it. I know I do!! Skip rope with your kids in the backyard, build a fort with sheets and such (and read inside the fort), play a game of bluff.
“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life
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The Book Review
Be Kind
Book Info

Title: Be Kind : You Can Make the World a Happier Place! 125 Kind Things to Say & Do
Author: Naomi Shulman
Illustrator: Hsinping Pan
Publishers:Storey Publishing
Pub Date: 25 Jun 2019
Genre: Children’s Nonfiction
Age-Range: 5 and up
Source: NetGalley ARC
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In a world where people spend more time engaging through screens than in real-life interaction, showing basic human kindness can feel like a lost art. Be Kind offers children aged 5 and up simple, actionable things they can do in their daily lives that help them cultivate kindness toward others and grow into people with the capacity to make the world a kinder place.
My Thoughts
Think of this book a box and each of its pages as pixie dust that contain kindness. Now go ahead and sprinkle that all around. With adorable and vibrant illustrations accompanying the simple, easy to follow text, this book encourages its readers (kids and adults alike) to be kindness warriors each and every day.
The suggestions range from the super-easy (smile at someone in the car next to you or on the street, be the first to say good-morning, share a treat) to others that require just a little bit more effort (learn how to say hello in many languages, memorize jokes, make and send cards simply because) to those that need help from older people (like entertaining at a senior center).
This book thus teaches everyone (whether you are six or sixty) many ways to be kind – to loved ones, strangers, and even to themselves – thus making the world a better place.
In Summary
Be Kind and gift this book to loved ones, and get one for yourself too!! This book is so endearingly cute that you will want one for yourself, and it will help each of us to keep up with our random acts of kindness, and give us little reminders each day…
Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the eARC of the book; these are my honest opinions after reading this book.
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The ‘B’ Book Stack
This is a stack of most of the ‘B’ books at home. There are a few others that I did not include as with the ‘A’ books because they are somewhere I could not find them 🙂 and yes, I have multiple copies of books too.

The Books
- Beastly Tales by Vikram Seth
- The Bomb by Theodore Taylor
- Betty and Veronica’s Double Digest
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
- The Best Intentions by Candice Horn
- The Bride Wore Pearls by Liz Carlyle
- A Bend in the Road by Nicholas Sparks
- The Baby Sitter Club (series) by Ann
- Boy: Tales of Childhood by Roald Dahl
- The Beautiful and the Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- The Bracelet by Roberta Gately
- Big Nate (the series) by Peirce
- Best Loved Folktales of the World – by Joanna Cole
- The Berenstains’ Baby Book by Stan & Jan Berenstain
- The Book of Think by Marilyn Burns
- Building English Skills
- Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary
Quick Thoughts
I have read the ones in bold (not reviewed though) and loved them all (don’t recall The Best Intentions one though)
Random Thing(s) of the Day
A banana plant is technically a large herb, distantly related to ginger.
Borders: Russia and the United States are only a little over two miles apart at their closest points – which are Big Diomede Island (located in Russian territory) and Little Diomede Island (located in Alaska). Both these islands sit in the middle of the Bering Strait only a little over two miles apart.
The Bag of Nuts: I have put a hundred nuts in five bags. There are altogether fifty-two nuts in the first and second bags; in the second and third there are forty-three; in the third and fourth, thirty-four; and in the fourth and fifth, thirty. How many nuts are in each bag?
And yes, April 2nd is International Children’s Book Day (in honor of Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday)
“Believe me, all of you, the best way to help the places we live in is to be glad we live there.”
― Edith Wharton
And now, the End of this Post
Which of the pictured/featured books have you read? Your comments on them? Do let me know
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Linking up to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge, and the Ultimate Blog Challenge (click on the images to learn more about these challenges)

That’s a great idea. Not for me this month- since I am still swamped by taxes- and the impending Pesach holiday. But, I will peruse A to Z books next month- reading at least one a day.
Thanks for making helping the sole quarantine develop a quarantine soul.
I love your quote at the beginning. Love your blog.
Good advice in these stressful times. Being a retired librarian, I love peeking into people’s bookshelves. Fun to see your stack of B books.
Being present is SOOO important – and in fact, one of the prompts I am using today is from Sylvia Plath and her focus is on the NOW.
I also saw Beezus and Ramona. I met Beverly Cleary once years ago and have visited the sculpture garden in the park near where she grew up. It is so fun there. The children played for hours.
Thanks for your thoughtful blog post today (and always!) I think it is time for a reading break!