So we bid goodbye to the Golu dolls this year earlier this week. Or rather, today. Technically, we put the dolls to sleep symbolically after the last day of the festival, and then put them away the same day or the following day. However, work schedules and my need for an assistant (in my super efficient helper – my daughter) pushed the packing away and bringing our home back to normal to the weekend.
Back to Normal?
Well, I am not sure if the world will ever get “back to a normal” that people in general can identify with. But my home is kind of back to normal after the busy-ness of the Navaratri Golu. I finally put back my dolls in their boxes in the garage, until next year’s Golu comes around. While the garage still needs sprucing up (somehow managed to put more things out of place when getting the dolls out this time around), the main living areas are now back to normal, hence the “kind of” in the title.
So yes, the
Dolls’re Packed Away for the Year
now. They are all now back in their boxes, cushioned in bubble wrap and/or layers of tissue and thermocol, safe and secure until I unpack them again next year. Some of them might stay packed depending on the theme I decide, and other new ones will surely join them as well next year. But for now, they are back in storage, and we have reclaimed our living area. On the other hand, we also miss them already for they sure made our home a very colorful, or rather differently vibrant space for the space of those few days.
Similar to how we feel when we put away the Christmas decor or that of any other festival.
Here is a before, during, after pick as we packed away our dolls.
Forgive the mess in the second pic in this collage which shows our home during the Navaratri Golu, during the packing up and putting the dolls away for the year phase, and then the ‘back to normal’ phase!

And Now, the End of This Post
Dear reader, do you have any celebration or event that has you rearranging your furniture for a day or the space of a few days? How does it impact your everyday lives for those few days? Does it feel like a ‘whew! Things are back to normal!’ at the end, or does it feel like ‘finally! but I miss that too….’ or well, something else altogether?
You have such a cozy home. I love the mural on the wall too.