
BBAW – Day 3 – What does book blogging mean to me?

What does book blogging mean to you?  :The day I discovered that there were book blogs out there in
blogworld, I felt like a child who had found an unexpected treasure box filled
with candies! I was thrilled to bits that there were all these wonderful people
out there willing to share about what they had read and also ready to “listen”
to your views on books.  I do not have too
people around me who read as much as I do and being unable to share/discuss the
books I have read does make me feel a little lost. 
Book blogging has enabled me to share what I read as well as
my feelings on the books I read. It helps create an outlet for two of my
favorite activities – reading and writing. I have discovered like-minded
bloggers who read books similar to my tastes and thus discovered more books to
read. I have also learned to expand my reading outside my normal comfort zones
after reading other bloggers’ reviews for the same.   
Book blogging has helped me realize that there
is so much out there to learn and so many (in number and variety) books to read
and enjoy.  I discovered another magical world – the world of memes and reading challenges – these made the already loved activities of reading and writing way more enjoyable and challenging. And of course, book blogging has helped me
discover a wonderful, close-knit, supportive community.  I am really lucky that I have all these
super-book-bloggers who are there to help with suggestions, answers to
questions and book blogger events like BBAW and Bloggiesta to enhance the
experience of book blogging.
Yay to book blogging!

24 thoughts on “BBAW – Day 3 – What does book blogging mean to me?

  1. I don't have a real life community of readers so this has been perfect for me. And I was like a kid in a candy store when I discovered the book blogging community!

  2. Very well said! I only recently began working in an office of other readers–but they don't compare to us book bloggers. 🙂 Book blogging has been such a great journey–taught me much and helped me branch out.

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