
BBAW – Day 4 – Recognize..

“Doctor Gaspar Arney
What a clever man is he!
He can trap the sliest fox,
He can crack the hardest rocks,
He can fly from here to Mars,
He can reach the farthest stars!”

From the GoodReads book description for ‘The Three Fat Men’

Today, I would like to highlight ‘The Three Fat Men’ by Yuri Olesha. If you do a search on my blog using the Search toolbar on the right for ‘The Three Fat Men’, you will find out why I chose this book.

‘The Three Fat Men’ by Yuri Olesha is one of my favorite books from childhood and it remains so still. The story, the characters, the illustrations all captured my attention and have managed to hold it for so long. I am not saying I recall every bit of the book but I definitely recall the feelings I went through – a whole range of them, actually – while reading the book.  Wow is definitely one way to describe this book. When I read this book as a kid, made me smile, cry, and angry based on what little Suok was doing. Now, I need to read it as an adult just because..

Below is a review excerpt for the book from ‘Of Books and Reading’
“It’s funny, if somewhat scary, how when you’re a kid you don’t really see even explicit political propaganda in your favourite books. When I was five, or seven, or whatever I was when I read The Three Fat Men for the first time, it was, to me, a book about brave little dancer Suok and romantic Heir Tutti and smart Doctor Gaspar. Now it is unmistakably a book about Revolution and Class Struggle, its real main characters.”

Another look into this book from the eyes of an author can be read here
You can read more about the book here at Marxists.org but spoiler alert if you do plan to read the book yourself..

17 thoughts on “BBAW – Day 4 – Recognize..

  1. Love that you highlighted a favorite childhood book. It makes me want to go back and read some of my childhood favorites to see if they have any deep messages I completely missed when I was young!

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