Another day, another guest poster – this time my 14 yo! Today’s featured book is Coin Heist by Elisa Ludwig.
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The Book Review
Coin Heist
Book Info

Title: Coin Heist
Author: Elisa Ludwig
Publishers: Adaptive Studios
Pub Date: June 2014
Genre: Teen & YA
Age-Range: 12 – 17 years
Source: Library
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The last place you’d expect to find a team of criminals is at a prestigious Philadelphia prep school. But on a class trip to the U.S. Mint – which prints a million new coins every 30 minutes – an overlooked security flaw becomes far too tempting for a small group of students to ignore.
United by dire circumstances, these unlikely allies – the nerd, the slacker, the athlete, and the perfect student – band together to attempt the impossible: rob the U.S. Mint. This diverse crew is forced to confront their true beliefs about each other and themselves as they do the wrong thing for the right reasons.
(Not) My Thoughts
Note: Today’s guest poster – my 14 yo.
The novel Coin Heist by Elisa Ludwig is an amazing read. Taking place in Philadelphia, this story unfolds during a school trip to the U.S. Mint. Even with all the heavy security, there was still a small part of the security system that the Mint had left unnoticed.
During the visit, four students who all had quite different “social statuses” found they had something common with each other. They all wanted money. And if they worked together they could get it; from this literal money machine they were in, that created millions of new coins every half hour.
The four students work with each other and create a plan to steal money from the U.S Mint. Throughout their planning though they face some moral challenges which they had to work through together. They knew that this money would be going towards a good cause.
Something I really enjoyed about this book was how the characters acted with each other. First of all, they were all very different from each other and hadn’t really talked before. Normally, when I read books (or watch movies) about a group of friends pulling off a “big heist,” it is almost always a group of people that have been friends forever; but that was not the case here. Which is why the fact the characters in this book worked together showed how much they wanted the money.
I also really like how they give a nice back-story of each student, it helps the reader understand what they are going through and their overall personality. Though it was a bit hard to understand at points it was really interesting how each chapter is told from one character’s POV. I liked this because it showed that there wasn’t really one “main character” but instead multiple. This book was a very enjoyable read and had many moments which were funny, romantic, and relatable.
(Now) My Thoughts
Another book I have not read, though I used to love reading books like this; and still enjoy watching movies like this – the Ocean’s series for example. While my guess is my dd picked up the book from the library (months ago now as they were closed until a few days ago, and only a few locations have opened since last week or so for curbside pickups and returns) because she noticed the movie based on this (she has not watched the movie though), I am glad she read it!!
Would You Rather
Another day, another question
Today’s WYR
Would you rather read the last chapter in a book first or watch the movie before reading the book?
This is a toughie for me.. but if I had to pick between these two evils, then it would be the movie before the book.. I think!?!
And Now, the End of This Post
Dear readers, have you read this book, or watched the movie? Any other similar read that you enjoyed? Do let me know in the comments so I can add them to our reading list!
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How neat that you are involving your children as guest reviewers! I’m way above the suggested age but this sounds like an exciting book to read!
Sounds like a great book .
Thanks for sharing from your awesome guest reviewer. I’m from Philadelphia and haven’t been to the Mint!
We have been planning for a long time now.. and every time we book a trip to any of the places with the Mint location, we realize it is too late to make a reservation for a tour there….
I admire your efforts to involve your children in reading and blogging, it instills a work ethic and there is the added benefit of semi-cheap labor 😉
lol!! that last part 🙂 I have to admit it is true and helps the ‘lazy-me’ who simply knows I cannot do a review a day otherwise
Great guest post , I enjoyed reading it
The book sounds good and enjoyable. Great review.
I love that you had your daughter review the book.
Love that your daughter reviewed this.