Today’s book review is for Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls by David Sedaris; and it is thanks to a guest poster – my son! I discovered Sedaris only in recent years and have enjoyed whatever I have read so far.
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The Book Review
Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls
Book Info

Title: Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls
Author: David Sedaris
Publishers:Little, Brown and Company
Pub Date: April 23rd 2013
Genre: Humor Essays (Books)
Source: Library
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A guy walks into a bar car and…
From here the story could take many turns. When this guy is David Sedaris, the possibilities are endless, but the result is always the same: he will both delight you with twists of humor and intelligence and leave you deeply moved.
Sedaris remembers his father’s dinnertime attire (shirtsleeves and underpants), his first colonoscopy (remarkably pleasant), and the time he considered buying the skeleton of a murdered Pygmy.
With Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls, David Sedaris shows once again why his work has been called “hilarious, elegant, and surprisingly moving” (Washington Post).
(Not) My Thoughts
(Note: Guest post thanks to my son!)
David Sedaris’ book Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls (Essays, etc.) is one that – if not made apparent by the title – is both humorous and absurd. He writes on a wide array of topics – ranging from his father’s disapproval and eventual approval to the immense and surprising enjoyment his colonoscopy provided him.
Having left the book upside down on the kitchen counter for over a month, I’ve had ample time to memorize the reviews inscribed on the book’s back cover, often reading and rereading them while sitting down to eat – my wandering eyes having no visual medium aside from that back cover to distract me.
One particular review, written by Nancy Dalva, caught my eye, in that it perfectly communicated how I feel about Sedaris’ works – that they “are careful accretions of detail and incident that build to some kind of payoff, perhaps a laugh, perhaps a jolt of identification”. She conveys exactly what I love about Sedaris’ writing – the way he takes seemingly irrelevant, but infinitely relatable fragments from his life and connects it all in a satisfying and often profound manner.
(Now) My Thoughts
So I have not read this book (yet) and might do so soon. But I do enjoy David Sedaris’ writing, as you can see from past posts here and here. Both of these talk about his book Me Talk Pretty One Day.
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Would You Rather
Continuing the series…..
Today’s WYR
Would you rather spend the day with your favorite author or favorite character?
While I do love so many characters and would enjoy time with them, I think I would prefer spending time with the author (Neil Gaiman maybe!)
And now, the End of this Post
Dear readers, what is your favorite humorous book (fiction or non-fiction)? Do let me know in the comments so I can add them to my (my son’s) reading list!
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I like humorous books like this. I recently read a memoir by Dave Barry (focused on his dog) that was full of humorous takes, called “Lessons From Lucy”.
Oh I know I will enjoy reading something by Dave Barry.. and I am sure my son will too 🙂 thanks for the recommendation..
Check out my blog for a good book for your son to read. A good book for all ages. It’s just a fun read.
thank you for the recommendation Brenda 🙂
Sounds different.
Sounds like this was a fun read.
With all that’s going on in the world, I book with humor gets my vote!
I wouldn’t have known what to expect from this 😉
Sounds like this is a fun read
Not a book I’ve heard of before, sounds humorous. Great review (to your son)
Hoo? Who has diabetes- too many of us.