Art, Learning

The Magic of Emerging Patterns That is Tie-Dye

Do you love to tie-dye? I don’t recall I ever did try or even think about it growing up. This was despite the fact that I always enjoyed art, and patterns on various household items as well as outfits/accessories in India were tie-dyed. But at one point in my life, I finally did and discovered the magic of emerging patterns in tie-dye!

So I am glad that my 14 yo is always trying out something artsy (for years now). Visits to Michaels or other similar store for a specific thing end up in a whole bag of random purchases. I stopped buying Halloween costumes for her a few years ago when she decided she wanted to make her own. That started a whole new trend of redoing those plain shirt into something else. We have She has since then glued, cut and put together again, and recreated plain or boring (at least for her) clothes into new outfits for herself.

Today’s post is about when she tie-dyed herself a colorful t-shirt out of a plain white one from Michaels a couple of years ago (I know, but better late than never). And it has continued: hoodies, jackets, caps, and more!

The Magic of Emerging Patterns

Watch the magic unfold…. It truly is magic, right? We take a plain thing, add a little bit of color randomly, and lo and behold, we have created something truly beautiful!

Remember to cover work surfaces with newspaper or other protective covering before you start. Gloves are recommended simply so you don’t stain your hands (the colors come off fairly easily though).

Tie dye
Tying it all together
All tied up for colors
 All rolled up and waiting..
Coloring Tie Dye
Ooh, here comes the first squish of color, bright pink it is…!
Working at it, more colors to add…
Tie-Dye or the Magic of Emerging Patterns
Beautiful bright tie dye shirt
All ready with all my favorite colors.. do you love the patterns?

Interesting Note

Tie-dye has a rich history and dates back to as early as 500 to 810 AD (Peru) and with continuing practiced forms of tie-dye across Asia.

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, have you tie-dyed? Or are you inspired to try now? What are your favorite ways to transform your outfits? Or any easy art projects you would love to share? Do let me know. And I would love to hear your thoughts on this post as well, as always.

7 thoughts on “The Magic of Emerging Patterns That is Tie-Dye

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