Memes, Writing

free verse visits the blog

(Un)welcome Visitor

when fear visits,
what do you do?

shut that door,
keep it away…
to avoid
a(n unwelcome) guest
come to stay

or say hello
how are you today?
let it help
face another day..
let it spark
the fire in you

— vidya tiru/ladyinread


For ABC Wednesday‘s letter V and for dVerse’s prompt of using the word ‘visit’ or any form of it in your poem. Running a day later than usual for these prompts. Holiday concert season at the kids’ schools and other stuff that came up meant change in plans.


9 thoughts on “free verse visits the blog

  1. Love the illustration and the visitor you’ve chosen. Fear does visit every one of us….I believe it can be a motivating factor as well as freezing us. Staring fear in the face can sometimes be exhilarating! As you write, “let it strike the fire in you.”
    So very glad you posted to the prompt!
    And oh yes….I do understand the time crunch this time of year. Here Ia m, still in pajamas and it’s afternoon…I’ve been wrapping gifts to put in the post and blocking a shawl I’ve knit for my daughter. Persnickety me…I pinned and unpinned on the blocking platform way too many times and hence the jimmies! But — this is the last post to the prompt as Mr Linky has closed so I shall now get dressed, have some lunch and make my way to UPS. 🙂 Hope to see you next week for Tuesday’s Poetics too — I’m doing double December-tending/hosting since we’ll be traveling in January and most of the time out of internet’s reach. Hope to see you again! 🙂

  2. Oops… I feel sorry for those who fear visitors…
    Long time ago.. I had that quit regularly but I finally found the courage to tell people they were no longer welcome… It is hard to say something like that to people, especially when you are related by family… but it is liberating.

    A country I’ve dreamed about lots of times already 😉 buut still have to visit, hopefully I will be able to someday

    Have a ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)

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