
Fun Friday – Pinewood Derby is almost here..

My Fun Friday post today is also my entry for Friday
Flash 55

This year’s car which needs fancying up

Pinewood Derby Preparations
Yay! Almost as fun as celebrations
Sawdust shop appointment on Saturday afternoon at two
All the scouts with their dads and/or moms too
An hour with fascinating woodworking tools
And there – an almost ready race car – cool!

This weekend will see us fancy up

The car foreseen to win the Derby Cup

Last year’s car which got into the top 5 for the pack

For Friday
and Book
, my entries are from ‘The First Men in the Moon’ which is one of my current reads.

“As I sit down to write here amidst the shadows of vine-leaves under the
blue sky of southern Italy, it comes to me with a certain quality of
astonishment that my participation in these amazing adventures of Mr. Cavor
was, after all, the outcome of the purest accident. It might have been any one.”

Wells, H. G. (Herbert George) (2004-10-20). The First Men in the Moon (p.
3). Public Domain Books. Kindle Edition.

“As far as the eye could see over the enormous disorder of rocks that formed
the crater floor, the same bristling scrub that surrounded us was starting into
life, diversified here and there by bulging masses of a cactus form, and
scarlet and purple lichens that grew so fast they seemed to crawl over the
rocks. The whole area of the crater seemed to me then to be one similar
wilderness up to the very foot of the surrounding cliff.”

Wells, H. G. (Herbert George) (2004-10-20). The First Men in the Moon (p.
56). Public Domain Books. Kindle Edition.

6 thoughts on “Fun Friday – Pinewood Derby is almost here..

  1. Lady in Read…
    Welcome to the Friday Funfest!!
    I was in the Derby twice as a kid, what great memories…:-)
    Your 55 was perfect, you are invited to play any Friday that you feel the need for a Fun challenge.
    Loved your 55
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  2. Thank you all!
    G-Man – 55 is fun and I will try to join in every week…
    aloi – thanks! Pinewood Derby is fun for all of us at home
    Brian – those must be wonderful memories.. it is our second year in the derby and we are looking forward to it
    freda – thanks!
    Linda – yes, it is interesting.. I love H.G.Wells and decided to pick it up this time as it fit with the challenges i am doing

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