
Hodgepodge Wednesdays

For Hodgepodge Wednesdays, here are my answers and if you want to play along, simply answer the questions below and link back at the link above!

1. “The cure for anything is salt water-tears, sweat, or the sea.” (Isak Dinesan) Would you agree? Of the three, which has ‘cured’ you most recently? 

Not sure if salt water is the cure for anything (everything?) but it does help – every form that is mentioned here makes us feel better – tears are needed every once in a while to lighten our spirits, sweat – yes, means we have exercised, given a chance for our body to feel better; and watching the waves always has a calming/rejuvenating effect.

I would have loved to say the answer is ‘sweat’ which would have meant
that i was working on my goal of exercising! The answer for this has to
be the sea – a trip to the beaches along the coast and a drive along the
beautiful highway one always rejuvenates all of us.. so whenever we
feel cooped up, have an urge to travel, thankfully, the beaches are less
than an hour’s drive away.

2. What’s something you can’t eat without salt? Do you normally salt your food a lot, a little, or not at all? 
question first, I do salt my food – but just a little.. But not sure if
I can go without it in all foods.. That brings me to question one here –
there must be something i cannot eat without salt though not sure of it
yet.. will have to go through a test to find that one out!
3. Sands of time, bury your head in the sand, built on sand, or draw a line in the sand…which sandy phrase could best be applied to something in your life right now? Sands of time most likely, since my daughter just pointed out that her birthday is only a few days (in February!) and I am still thinking we just packed away ornaments..

4. A favorite book, movie, or song with an island setting or theme?
Favorite Book – A little dark – Lord of the Flies, a little less so – Robinson Crusoe.
5. Yesterday-did you run your day or did it run you? How so?
Tuesdays for the past few months have been the most packed day of the
week, and with DH being unable to drive for the past few days
post-a-ear-surgery, yesterday managed to run me effortlessly! Though DH
did tell me I managed it all efficiently, so I guess I am learning how
to run it..
You’re on an island holiday. Will I most likely find you parked in a
beach chair, shopping in town, on the back of a jet ski, or snorkeling
off the back of a catamaran?
Oh, none of the above.. though I
would love to be parked in a beach chair with books, walking along the
beach is something I really enjoy, looking for interesting stuff that
the waves managed to leave (and sometimes the beach goers!), collecting
shells, and just looking at the waves.. After that is all done for a
sufficiently long time, I might park myself on the chair..
7. What do you think we humans most take for granted?
Our health.. 
8. Insert your own random thought here.
This is my first Hodgepodge Wednesday post and hope I will be able to participate regularly!  

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