
Thursday Thoughts – Part One

For Signs, Signs, this slightly modified Stop sign is still a mystery to me. I am not sure why this was added to the sign (a few months ago now) and why it still stays there (considering where it is!!). When I find out, I will be sure to update you.. But for now, here is some crazy!

For Booking Through Thursday hosted by Deb, this week’s bookish question to ponder is ‘
What’s your favorite style of book? Serious? Playful? Humorous? Thoughtful? Action-packed? Moody?

My favorite style of book is definitely ….ummmmm……still thinking on that one.. 🙂 But if I had to pick one today, the style I need to read based on how I am feeling right now is playful! But I tend to read books across styles and many styles at the same time as well (since I normally have at least 3 books going on at the same time – right now, it is Jules Vernes’ ‘20000 Leagues Under the Sea’, ‘A Wrinkle in Time’, ‘Brown Girl Dreaming’, ‘Fan Art’, and Stephanie Laurens’ ‘The Lady’s Command’ 🙂

What about you? What’s your favorite style of book? You can link back to Deb at Booking through Thursday and let us know..

So, as I continue my UBC journey, I am choosing this prompt over at Mama Kat’s Pretty Much World Famous Writing Workshop
2.  Talk about something you learned this month.

I learned that we can do it, after all!
I learned that knowing there are so many of us striving to work on the same goal – in this case, the UBC journey – makes it so much more easier to achieve the goal, and inspires us in so many ways. 
I learned that community matters! and community cares! and community inspires! and community does!
I learned that new friends can be made without having really talked to them or seen them in person!
I learned that we can do it, after all!
So thank you – to all members of the blogging community who help inspire everyone else to continue their blogging journey each and every day… and a special thanks to all participants of the UBC.. 

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