Blogging, Books, Current Events, Learning, Poetry, Technology, Writing

Ink Borders so they’re in the Past and Moving to the Inspiring Innovative Future

As we read the headlines today, I wonder if there was some way we could ink away the borders , the walls, that separate people and nations and all that from each other. Somehow use the power of ink to erase borders and biases and prejudices and the rest of the etcs. And in doing so, move to all that innovations of today can offer us, to a better future, together.

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Innovative Future in the Internet of Things

Today I bring you the internet of things, well, rather these informative videos about the IOT (or Internet of Things)!

Irresistible Inks aka The I Books

In the Past

In the Past: From Trilobites to Dinosaurs to Mammoths in More Than 500 Million Years by David Elliott and illustrated by Matthew Trueman (Poetry for Learning | 3 – 7 years, and up)

Description: Return to the prehistoric era and discover a host of creatures both novel and familiar, from the mysterious trilobite to the famed T. rex.

Introspections: Informative and innovative!

Ink Knows No Borders

Ink Knows No Borders: Poems of the Immigrant and Refugee Experience edited by Patrice Vecchione and Alyssa Raymond (Poetry anthology | 12 years and up)

This collection of sixty-four poems by poets who come from all over the world shares the experience of first- and second-generation young adult immigrants and refugees. 

Introspections: Inspiring immigration info-verses.

Introspective (Th)- Ink -(s)

Inspired Ink -ing

NaPoWriMo’s Day Ten prompt is to write a poem based on one of the curious headlines, cartoons, and other journalistic tidbits featured at Yesterday’s Print, where old new stays amusing, curious, and sometimes downright confusing.

My Attempt: One

This first one is not really based on one of the items, but rather inspired by it and by the book featured today as well as those IOT thoughts running in my mind. It needs loads of improvement but here it is anyway, a draft for the day.

Interwoven Hopes
I certainly hope that tomorrow’s
Nations are just names on paper, names so we
Know their rich histories, so we
Know and remember all they were and still are in the
Now (whenever). I certainly hope that the whole world truly becomes everyone’s
Oyster, a generous stage to grow, to flourish, to
Want and have more (or less if they wish)
See that we are all the same,
No more, no less than each
Other. Like the thingamajigs in the IOT, the
Bits and pieces that are all linked to
One another, that speak
Remotely yet instantly connect. Be they
Data or devices, bytes or machines,
Everything belongs together. I certainly hope for a
Radiant future, one where
Solidarity reigns and peace prevails
~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites

My Attempt: Two

This is for Knowing (loved this though inspiration took me in a slightly different direction).

Lost and Found: At Aisle Five
I ran into her at the store that day
We greeted each other with eager smiles.
She was one of those, an almost-bae.
Pretty soon, we were talking many miles
a minute. I asked about her siblings four.
She wanted to know everything and more.
What was my brother doing these days?
And wasn’t that school trip we took all the hoorays!!

At the checkout line, we stood side by side,
Each paying our dues, silent camaraderie.
Walking to our cars, a mutual thought arose,
To renew the friendship, to bridge the gap of time.

“Let’s exchange numbers,” said we,
Rather excitedly…
Then came that awkward moment
Where I grappled with a loss of memory.

“Here, take my phone,” I offered,
Masking my embarrassment with a smile.
I didn’t want to admit,
That her name had slipped my mind.

And now that her number
(and name) are stored on my cell,
I will be sure to remember,
To know where to look, oh well!

But jokes apart, amid all the knowing unknowing,
And all the forgetting and the remembering,
What I did learn and was glad to know certainly:
Friendships endure beyond mere memory!
~ Vidya @ LadyInReadWrites

Informal Titles and more

The first ‘I’ name I could recall is Indra. While it is the name of the Hindu god of rain (a male), I know more women than men with this name. It comes from the Sanskrit Indu signifying “a drop,” and Ra conveying “acquiring” or “possessing.” Thus, Indra means “possessing drops of rain.”

As for the Bollywood song(s), I once again have two in mind. One is another favorite of my dad’s that he would sing to us and to my kids as well when they were little. It is titled Ichak dana, bichak dana and is a riddle song.

The second is a old romantic Bollywood classic (one I listen to often but also one of my dad’s favorites)

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, do let me know if you have read any of the books listed today? Which book would you pick first? Will you attempt a poem today? Do share any book recommendations, poetry you loved or wrote, and of course, all and any thoughts on this post.

I am linking up to A-ZBlogchatterUBCNaPoWriMo

And you can find all my A-Z posts (this year and previous years’ as well) here:

A to Z Challenge Posts

Inking Borders so they're in the Past and Moving to the Inspiring Innovative Future

11 thoughts on “Ink Borders so they’re in the Past and Moving to the Inspiring Innovative Future

  1. Your poetry is amazing, and I even like your more than the inspirations that you selected. I, too, find it so embarrassing when I forget names, all too often.

  2. I love reading your poems. You have such a gift for turning beautiful stories into even more beautiful poems. And I love the idea of inking borders and creating bridges, instead of barriers. Great blog post. Thank you.

  3. I want to check out that book above “In The Past” as it seems like an interesting read for sure. I always enjoy your posts!

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