
Magic Monday – Franklin the turtle and Monday Memes

Franklin is a favorite at our home and we have a few books
which I have read many times over. When I saw this book on NetGalley, I requested
it for I was sure we will love it and that is what happened.
The importance and joy of giving is beautifully portrayed in
the book. In this story, Mr.Owl reminds the children to bring toys (new and gently
used) for the toy drive and as Franklin looks through his toys, he finds it
hard to give away even one of his special toys. As he postpones the giving, he
watches his friends donate wonderful gifts. 
When he realizes his toy might be the only gift someone receives, he
also realizes that what he thought was special earlier will not work.  Finally, his great aunt Harriet’s words
inspire him and he has the perfect gift to give away – which is both loved and
almost new. He realizes that giving can make you feel not sad but all warm and good
inside, better than even receiving.
The illustrations are bright and cheerful and the text just
perfect for younger kids, as always with Franklin books.
My daughter was thrilled when she understood that the toys
she has donated this year at various toy drives at her dance school, day care
and her brother’s scout pack will light up some other little girl’s face who
would not have had a gift otherwise (I am just glad she did not question why
Santa would not give them a gift, though I had an answer for them and hoped it
would have worked!). I said that the little girl will thank the person who gave
her the gift in her heart and you will know it!

This book is a definite ‘read many times over’ book in our

Disclaimer: I received this book – Franklin’s Christmas Gift –  through NetGalley for a honest review.

I thought this will be a good time to review one other Franklin favorite at home which also fits in the Christmas theme.

Franklin’s School Play:
This Franklin book teaches kids that being afraid is OK and teaches
that confidence is within you – you just need to work hard to reach for
it – and you can be a star!

Franklin is chosen to play the lead role in the annual school
showing of ‘The Nutcracker’. He is thrilled about it and has learned all
the lines by heart. But at the dress rehearsal, he faces stage fear and
he is unable to perform. With a charming twist in the tale, the story
shows how Franklin bests his fears to be the star he is.

Both these books go towards the Picture Book Challenge

Monday Memes:
Succinctly Yours – I
discovered this meme last week and am loving it. So here I am back again this week. This meme has the following rules:
Use the weekly photo as inspiration for a story of 140 characters OR
140 words. It doesn’t have to be exactly 140, just not more. Want more
challenge? Use the word of the week in your story. This part is
This week’s challenge word: diligent and the photo along with my entry is below (126 characters) 

“What did you say?”,
whispered Fiona to Fay.
Fay replied,”We are lost, cuz!
Can’t you see Frank’s diligent avoidance of us?

What are you reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey. It is a time when we share what we’ve read, currently reading, or what is up next on our reading list.
Completed reading: Books reviewed here and not much else…
Currently reading:
‘The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate’
‘The Sari
Shop’ by Rupa Bajwa
‘To be Perfectly Honest’ by Phil Callaway

Next to read:
‘Maid to Match’
‘The Twentieth Wife’ by Indu Sundaresan

I have to complete all these books by the end of the year as have lots of challenges I have signed up for in 2012 which I need to begin as early as possible to try to complete!

image by Mostafa Habibi

One more magical meme I discovered at Magpie Tales
“If only I could, I would,
Yes, I would –
participate in the meme at Magpie Tales
But here I am bound
by the sand that is me
(when will I learn to say No?
when will I learn to break free from Yes?)
While the boat that will take me to freedom
is just out of reach – out of my bounded arm’s length.”

26 thoughts on “Magic Monday – Franklin the turtle and Monday Memes

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