
My UBC Journey – Blogs Discovered and Lessons Learned..

Yay! Day 31 of the UBC is here and I have completed this challenge and have discovered that I can be consistent …so now on to try that consistent nature of mine on other aspects as well (like exercising!).. Over the past month of participating in UBC, one of the best things (as I have mentioned earlier as well) has been discovering blogs I enjoyed reading and making new blogger friends. Here are my finds (in no particular order! and there are so many more that I know I should be adding). Interacting with these bloggers and many others not listed here has been a wonderful part of the challenge.

  • Vicki Maheu’s Ardent Reflections art blog where she provides information about art and inspiration everyday!
  • Brenda’s Writing Through the Soul personal/writing blog where she writes about writing/life and more
  • Roy’s Cerebrations where he ruminates, rather excellently, about !
  • Shalini’s Shalzmojo where she blogs about travel/food/writing and more
  • Bianca’s food blog where she posts delish recipes and the photos jump out the page tempting you
  • Martha’s blog where she writes about – well, just about everything
  • Kelly’s design blog is totally inspirational and bookmarked for my next home-makeover!
  • Alice’s Grand Adventures where her posts inspire me to do more each day..
  • Patricia’s Motherhood blog about everything motherhood!

Thank you to UBC and to all participants (at the risk of repeating myself!) and looking forward to more!

6 thoughts on “My UBC Journey – Blogs Discovered and Lessons Learned..

  1. I love your list and think its a fab way to end this challenge with such a beautiful post. Thank you for mentioning me here – I am so flattered and would like to say, pleasure has been mine. Thank you for reading my posts and encouraging me with your comments. Stay connected – cheers!

  2. Congratulations on completing the UBC!! What a surprise to see my blog on your list! I consider my blog a free for all, I write about what ever comes to mind. Thank you for visiting and commenting and looking forward to following your interesting blog!

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