
Reading Challenges Post for January 2013

Over at November’s Autumn, we are invited to introduce ourselves this month for the Turn of the Event salon. So here goes, just before this month ends:
  • What draws you to read the Classics?
    • The classics have always been something I loved
      reading since I was a child. I was one of the few, nay, the only one in
      fact, picking up books by Jane Austen or Thomas Hardy from our school
      library when the others enjoyed reading more contemporary books. The
      classics take you to a whole different world (of course) and the way
      books were written then is also something I cherish reading. The detailed
      descriptions of places, people, and everyday occurrences let you inside
      the lives of people of that time.
  • What era have you mainly read? Georgian? Victorian?
    Which authors?
    • Mostly Victorian era but a little bit of Georgian too
      – I have read and enjoyed Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Jane Austen, the
      Bronte Sisters, Jules Verne, Nathaniel Hawhorne, Shelley, Keats,
      Stevenson (and a few more as well from these eras)
  • What Classics have you read from the 1880s-1930s? What
    did you think of them?
    • I have read many books and poems of the authors/poets I
      mention above. Some of my favorites are by Hardy, Austen and Jules Verne.
  • Name some books you’re looking forward to read for the
    • These are some of the books I plan to read this year –
      for the salon as well as other challenges I am participating in –
      • The House of Mirth
      • The Hound of the Baskervilles
      • Treasure Island
  • Which authors do you hope to learn more about? 
    • Edith Wharton
  • Which literary characters are you most akin to?
    • 🙂 I would like to believe I am like Jo from Little
      Women (there are others too whom I have felt similar to but Jo was the
      first name that came to my mind at this question, so Jo it is!)
  • Which authors do you love?
    • Hardy, Austen, Verne are among my favorites though I
      love all I mentioned here
  • Is your preference prose? poetry? both?
    • Prose mainly though I do love poetry tooJ reading and writing..
I have gotten to a few challenges this month. They are:
Completed reading:
Key word Challenge – January – Keyword White – White Fang
Novel in Verse – Love and Leftovers (review to come soon)
Women Authors –  Saving Each Other/ To Love a Thief (Secrets& Scandals)/ Love and Leftovers
(review to come soon)/The Night Circus(review coming soon)
Reading currently:
Always Meant to: Bleak House
Novel in Verse: Gone Fishing
Classic Double/Women Authors /Book to Movie: And Then There
Were None
Key word Challenge – February– Keyword – animal – Never Look
a Polar Bear in the Eye
What an Animal/Nerdy Non Fiction – Never Look a Polar Bear
in the Eye
I know a few of these meet a couple of other challenges too (like Around the World/Book Bingo/KidLit) and I have to start linking up to these challenges on a regular basis with my reviews..soon..
Will need to create a page for these.

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