
Saturday is Here Again!

For 6WS at Show My Face

Almost the end of the month!

For Saturday Snapshot and Pink Saturday, here is a collage of photos taken last summer in the aptly named ‘Pink City’ of Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. The city was painted pink by Sawai Ram Singh in 1876 to welcome the Prince of Wales (Edward VII). Since then, the tradition has been followed by the residents, who now have to maintain the color by law – it is only the front of the buildings though that need to retain the color (and they do tend to vary a bit as you can see in the pictures below, but as long as they are within a certain range of colors, residents are not fined!)

Deal Me In Short Story Reading Challenge – 4 of 52.  I drew the 8 of Diamonds this week and that corresponds to ‘We Should all be Feminists’ by Chimamanda Adichie.  My list is here.

Here are my thoughts after I read and listened to the essay.
My first comment is  – We should all read this essay, or better still, listen to Chimamanda speak her words.You can listen to her speak here
This essay is a heartfelt, personal narrative of the author, and while she talks about her experiences and that of people around her, I found myself nodding my head and agreeing with her every bit of the way.  Does this mean I grew up experiencing what she talks about in her essay? Not at all – I grew up in a family, where, like Chimamanda mentions it should be ideally, the focus was on ability and interests rather than gender, and I am thankful for that.  Despite that, I know what she means, as I have seen what she talks about, the wrong focus on gender, on being a feminist having a negative connotation, on .. well, just about all she talks about in her speech.  And trying to review something so honest, so direct, so brilliant is just, well, difficult to find the right words for it. I might just end up quoting every line of her essay here 🙂
So, instead, I will stop now and say ‘Go ahead, pick up the book and read it – this essay will not feel like a bore or a chore, instead, you will be left wishing there was more to read.. and, yes, you should definitely listen to her speech  here’
Feminist: A person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.
Rating: A++
Reread Level: 5/5

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