
Saturday Memes…

Friday and Saturday just flew by in a flurry of Christmas parties at the
kids’ school as they closed for the holidays as well as a year end family get-together with cousins. Before I knew it, it was getting close to Sunday. 
So just decided to post a short one today – just the memes:

Saturday Memes:
Saturday Snapshot is a meme hosted by Alyce at At Home
with Books. All you have to do is “post a photo that you (or a friend or
family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mr.
Linky on [her] blog. Photos can be old or new, and be of anything as long as
they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give is
up to you.” All she asks is that you don’t just post random photos that
you find online. 
All the photos here were taken at a recent outing to Lemos Farm in Half Moon Bay, CA.  Of course, someone did not read the first sign about not parking there at all!!

Six Word Saturday –Six Word Saturday sponsored by Show My Face. It’s quite simple–all you need
to do is describe your life in six words

 “School is out for the holidays!”

Also participating in Quote It! this week hosted over
at  Freda’s

Rules are simple: Add as many quotes as you wish, from whom ever you wish. It
can even be lyrics to a song. Just tell us who it is. Anonymous welcome too.
And link back to Freda’s Voice
“A hug is a great gift – one size fits all, and it’s easy to exchange.”  ~Author Unknown
Each day comes bearing its own gifts.  Untie the ribbons.”  ~Ruth Ann Schabacker 

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