
Simply Sunday – Simply Need to Be Back Blogging…

What have I been up to?  I honestly can say that it has been a hectic
few weeks (and that is still going on) at work and with tax season upon us,
hubby dear has been busy as well, which means that I have been working a little
harder to make sure that all of this extra work is not taxing us overmuch..:)
Though part of it is kind of behind us, work is still
staring me in the face, well – staring is too polite a word, actually! But in
the past few weeks, when I have needed a change of pace, I have caught up on my
reading – read a lot of my review copies as well as some of the books for my
reading challenges, caught up on TV watching, and some more. 
Now it is high time I do some posting, so here I am. I have
to now catch up on writing my reviews for all that I have read and watched and
used in the past few weeks so the posts of the next few days will be those
catch up posts as well as memes I have missed participating in.
I did notice that spam comments go up when I am not posting
regularly – and the posts that they go up on – so at least in an effort to keep
those to a minimum, I will post more regularly (though I have to admit that I find
those comments hilarious!)

I got my first Influenster VoxBox a few weeks ago and it was like opening a treasure box of my very own.I participated in the twitter party and also fulfilled a few other requirements on this VoxBox – the others will follow in the next few days.

So here is my first catchup post – with my weekend memes …

For Six Word Saturday (6WS):

Simply Needed to Be Back Blogging…

For Saturday Snapshot:  A collage of scratch art drawings made by kids at my son’s class.

For Sunday Whirl: Shipped against struggle shock shelter thrive promise infidels land harden bomb spent resilience
Spent the past many weeks of this year

I did, in a land away from here

I sheltered myself in books and more

Thrived, indeed, in books galore

Imagine my shock when I returned to blogland

To find my little known blog

Bombed by spammer comments

‘Oh, those anonymous infidels!’

Did my precious struggle?

Or show any resilience against them?

Or did it just harden itself to all these pithy comments?

Or maybe wished itself shipped to a land far-away?

I will never know.

Banished to spamland now,

Those comments, I am sure, are plotting their return

But until then

I promise, solemnly do vow

To blog everyday – well, maybe not

But certainly more often than not
For OSI Twilight, Sunday Scribblings: wake up, Haiku Heights: shadow
Wake up, the shadow
Of twilight is long past us;

A new dawn awaits.

What is next?
Book reviews, of course. My VoxBox review, A follow up post on my review of the wonderful Money Mammals kit to celebrate National Teach Children to Save Day on Tuesday, April 23 along with a couple of fun interviews this week, and more.

15 thoughts on “Simply Sunday – Simply Need to Be Back Blogging…

  1. Spam is really annoying and just so senseless. I am reluctant to put word verification on as the readers I want start to moan! I too loved your haiku. I too have become hooked.

  2. Welcom back, Ms. L.n.R. ~~ You are so right, we don't dare sleep too long. Like Mom used to say, we might freeze like that.

    BTW, I set Comment Moderation on my blogs for "ON" after 10 days or two weeks. That way I don't have to remove them. Also I use the comment form similar to yours and they have to "belong" to leave comments. I hardly ever have spam anymore.

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