
Treasure Trove Thursday – The Value of Pi(e)

For dVerse (Form for All – Cinquain, 2, 4, 6, 8, 2), Theme Thursday (greenery), Alphabe Thursday‘s letter of the week – Q, here is Green Pi(e) Day.

Green Pi(e) day


Quirky, quite good

A green tea pie for me

Asked St.Patrick – pi(e)’s value, please?

Today is Pi(e) Day – Today is 3/14 and we celebrate the mathematical constant of Pi.  Today also is Albert Einstein’s birthday.
I definitely enjoy celebrating this day of math and science with Pie 
And why not! Couple of reasons why I should:

  • If you hold a mirror to Pi (3.14), it will spell PIE! – try it out and see… or you can look at the picture here
  • Pi + E(instein) == Pie
  • Just because!! So apple, pumpkin, or blueberry?? that is the only tough choice for me to make now..

28 thoughts on “Treasure Trove Thursday – The Value of Pi(e)

  1. I have never heard of the mirror trick and so I did it in my brain and guess what it works there too. I love any kind of berry pie, oh I could eat them every day. But I also like lemon meringue pie and chocolate pie, coconut pie, and oh the list could go on and on. And Cracker Barrel makes the best pecan pie. Too bad they do not ship them and if they ever build a restaurant in CA I bet the place would be packed. YUM, YUM, YUM.

    Thanks for sharing such a pie filling post with us for this weeks Theme Thursday. Oh I wish I knew how to make pies. Just going to have to somehow get me a piece of pie. Have a great weekend and I hope you get a piece of pie.

    God bless.

    1. thank you so much for asking Brian.. i am well.. just been a very hectic work schedule as well as the kids have fallen sick one after the other… and i hope to start posting this week (have a few half-finished posts!)

  2. The mirror trick is the best! Thanks for letting us know that. But, I tend to like the sweet version of pie myself. Happy Pi Day!!

  3. That’s interesting to know. That is such an amazing coincidence that’s Alberts birthday is on Pi(e) Day! Blueberry pie sounds good.

  4. I had completely forgotten about Pi day! Such a fun one to celebrate. That is fun about holding up a mirror and reading “pie”. Makes me want some delicious fruit pie!

  5. I didn’t know that today is the celebration of National Pi(e )Day and the birthdate of Albert Einstein. It is cool to know about this thing. Happy Pi Day to everyone!

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