
Simply Sundays

Ah, for the simple life.. well, that is that and now back to reality. School reopens tomorrow and to think of getting back on the same routine is tough – I worry if I will be able to get my son ready and in school by 8 am so he can maintain his spotless record of no late slips this school year in his 2nd grade class. I also have a whole new set of resolutions and the kids decided to have their own lists too – so I need to ensure three sets of resolutions are followed. When I look at my list, it is just a repeat of what I have been doing the past two years now and which I diligently followed in 2009 for two weeks and in 2010, got better and lasted 5 weeks. My only hope is to last a little longer this year and if you have been reading tips on how to make resolutions stick, here is one more from me, just try to better yourself from the previous year  – who knows – the habit(s) might finally stick this year..
So, I do hope to exercise regularly, eat healthy, not give in to my evil-sweet-tooth, be more organized, de-clutter and start compostingJ.
Eat Healthy – Inspiration strikes from Amanda at http://www.highimpactmom.com/ planning to do the Whole Living Action Plan 28-day Challenge in January. I hope to start (at least partly) from next week when I do my shopping. I can start off this week by reducing caffeine, sweets.
Exercise – USA weekend magazine said walking 10 mins in the morning and 10 mins in the evening is all that is needed to have a healthy lifestyle so I plan to start with that and add 10 to 20 minutes of walking in the afternoon as well. And when I can get to it, maybe every weekend, enjoy Santa’s gift to me and Just Dance 2 the tunes of the Wii game.
Be more organized – again, I plan to keep it simple – try to post one blog everyday, even if just a few lines for January and ensure that I shuttle my kids to all their classes on time and without chaos (I always do the ‘on time’ thing but a little chaos ensues every time)
De-clutter – accomplished a little before the holidays with all the donation causes out there and gave away gently used clothes, books and forgotten toys which need a new home. As well as Halloween candy which reached a school for underprivileged kids in India. I am looking forward to sharing pictures of the same with the boys in my sons’ scout pack who all donated their Halloween candy too for this cause.
Start composting – here, I need to convince my family first, so will work on that.

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